Lazy sunday edition
>two french tourists might go in jail for trying to steal 40kg of sand from Sardinia
>need to steal everything
Worse then neapolitans
>you will never have a threesome with them
Some time ago a French tourist was caught stealing from a shop here but he didn't get any jail sentence.
hi btw
Fuck Spicks
Fuck the feds
Fuck niggers
And most important fuck Jannies
Hey there
What's up?
I'm doing okay,been busy. With working, chasing skirts. Sorry if I haven't checked in,I kind of dropped out of the whole image board scene but thought to drop by to say hello to you guys.
Everything good with you?
It's alright. Life's more important than this hellhole I'd say.
Everything's going alright with me I guess.
>Life's more important than this hellhole I'd say.
Unironically based and red pilled
>Everything's going alright with me I guess.
Glad to know lad.
I'd post a pair of tits, but I deleted them all.
Thank you for doing it for me.
jannies? dab on them
>NOOO I will have to pay japMoot for the lost revenues in adverts, and Mom won't gave me more money
Jannie,listen up Jannie
You mothefucking trannie
Its a mystery how you haven't placed a bullet inside of your body. You piece of shit,loser and waste of life in here dabbing that's right
I might not post a lot because I got shit to do but the thing I can say now is
Fuck you
>tfw some songs have been removed
Jannie be seething
She looks cute here.
Għall-kolazzjon il-purtinar jħobb jiekol il-ħmieġ tal-baqar.
Tislijiet lil Franza.
>mfw I did not translate at first
>mfw I did it
He likes to translate what I write in Maltese so I like to write to him in Maltese. Sometimes it's a bit challenging to find words that the translator will translate.
Nagħmel imħatra li l-purtinar għandu oħt; forsi xi ftit imlaħħma iżda ħelwa; eżatt kif inħobbhom. Min jaf, forsi jogħġbuha l-irġiel Mediterranji.
>covering the sound of the janny's microwave with the screams of his orgasming sister
Jien ma togħġobnix din il-kultura ta' sess bl-addoċċ u nippreferi li kieku nistenna sa qrib it-tieġ jew wara, imma probabli jkolli nagħmel eċċezzjoni għal oħt il-purtinar. Mija fil-mija illi ma jirnexxilix ngħid le u nispiċċaw nagħmlu sess bla rażan qisna fniek waqt li l-purtinar jipprova ma jagħtix kas lil oħtu tingħi.
The second part is a bit harder to clearly understand, but I'll go with a based and redpilled.
>tfw no virgin (female) to marry
Jien Ipprovajt ngħid illi jien ma jirnexxilix nirrifjuta l-avvanzi ta' oħt il-purtinar u nispiċċaw nagħmlu sess sfrenat għad-detriment ta' widejn il-purtinar. Min jaf kemm tingħi sabiħ!
Honestly though, it depends what she looks like, but she probably got all the good genetics since the janny got all the bad ones
I'm going for dinner. I'll be back to talk about janny's chubby sister in a bit.
Tafba tajba!
Waqt li l-purtinar ikun qiegħed jagħmel xogħolu fuq Jow Forums, jien inkun fuq xogħoli ġol-kamra ta' oħtu.
Meta noqgħod naħseb fuq oħt il-purtinar.
suggest me a book to read for next week
Épopée de Gilgamesh
Jacques le fataliste et son maître
La mort d'Ivan Ilitch
La métamorphose
Une journée d'Ivan Denissovitch
Pick one, they're all short.
to obviously
thanks fren
I'll check the tolstoj one
why would anyone steal sand?
>expecting logics from touristoid
I can understand taking a veeeery small can of sand but fucking 40kg
He got mad kek
L'étranger is pretty good.
>Épopée de Gilgamesh
How good it is? Sumerian history is pretty interesting desu
It's not complete, so you can't really say it's that good. But it's very interesting.
Hi sexy
I never gave a try to such things, the closest I've done was "attempting" to read Histoires d'Herodotus but I never finished it. I'm not a bookworm to be fair, each time I try to read one, I never finish it. Although, I've read a bunch of books, mostly romans.
She looks weird, I don't know why though. It's probably because of how her body size doesn't fit well with the size of her head and haircut.
Show me boobies perhaps? ;) ;)
No, damn it don't take me seriously.
>t. did his service in the artillery
d'oh user, I kid
Much better. I want to motorboat on a motorboat.
I'm gonna lick those titties
The book I proposed is probably better, it's a story, not some description of the world
gn fens
gn fren