Over 2500 people have died in mass shootings in the US since 2012

>over 2500 people have died in mass shootings in the US since 2012

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This is not funny , mass shootings is a problem that should be taken seriously and treated efficiently
I have no respect for anyone who pokes fun at people who lost their loved ones because of an Intcelattack

More die in latam & middle east

thank you for your service

why do you want to be like "latam & middle east"?

funny joke

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So what lmao

But you pretend to be 1st world country and they don't.

thank you for showing your concern about our well being that is very kind of ya

That's clearly not enough

>No it's okay because more people are dying in literal warzones that we ourselves destabilized

2500 in a population of 320m is pretty small. Mass shootings get the public's attention because unlike gang violence, the victims are chosen at random. That doesn't mean it's an actual problem on the scale of gang violence, opioid abuse, or vehicular accidents.


not enouh


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'mass shootings' are often gang violence
irrc the definition is just if multiple people are shot in one incident

yeah, idk what OP's goal was but he really makes it seem like not a big deal.

I want 250000

Even using a broad definition that includes gang violence into mass shootings, more people die from unintentional drownings from pools and beaches. Using Mother Jone's own broad definition(3 or more deaths, excluding domestic violence, gang violence). There's been about 5 or 7 mass shootings averaged over a year in a country of 320 million people. Other countries like Australia are far more strict, including only shootings with 5 or more homicides(excluding gangs and domestic incidences) in one shooting. Depending on their agenda, you'll see our media outlets including gang violence, accidental discharges with no injuries, bb gun and airsoft guns into mass shootings to get a bigger number. It's really disgusting how they try to inflate the number as big as possible
