Do gay penguins face discrimination in your cunt?

Do gay penguins face discrimination in your cunt?

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What makes them gay?


What if they actually just wanted a stone golem?

retards be like "homosexuality is unnatural" lmao

Fun fact: Sometimes homosexual Penguins also kidnap babies from straight couples.

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What the fuck

But they had to be given an egg by man because they couldn't produce it on their own.

what does homosexuality have to do with reproduction?

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Why do these people think animals understand homosexuality?

I get what you're saying but the same logic can be applied to heterosexuality too. It's not like there's something magical about sex between male and female swans that makes it comparable to human experiences.

Animals don't understand shit, regardless of if they're faggots or not.

The fact that they do it with no understanding makes it all the more natural t b h

Their natural urge is to reproduce and nurture offspring has nothing to do with their sexuality.

Do what? What exactly to you think they're doing and what do you think homosexuality is?

Like if everything we did wasn't unnatural. Never saw animals build rockets to go on the moon

So you're saying their slaves to their instincts and those instincts are natural this their reproduction is natural?

Where exactly did the gay swans get their gay instincts from, if not naturally? If following natural instinct is not what makes their behaviour natural then what does? I'm not some gay rights advocate, I just think you're putting too much value in nature.

Whoa penguins come from eggs. I didn't know

homosexual species cant exist

it is outside the realm of normal operation, like having a third appendage, or any malformation

It's just a mental illness. They literally tried hatching a stone.

Are you slow? The discussion was about the existence of homosexual INDIVIDUALS within a heterosexual population - not a discussion on the existence of a strictly homosexual population.

homosexual is disease since it stops penguin from having children and wipes him out from species

I'm saying where is the evidence that they are homosexuals. The fact that scientists still haven't fully understood such behaviour doesn't seem to have stopped people jumping to conclusions and applying human traits and characteristics to animals.
Seems people are trying to broaden the definition of homosexuality to the point the fellas in 3 Men & A Little Baby are gay too.

top kek

Retarded conclusion. There are many factors that can deter/prevent people from having children - are all of those diseases?

Yes but are gay penguins massive proselytists that require public subvention for the monthly gay penguin march where they dress up like dogs and require to be married by Catholic priests ?
Do they also cut off their dicks or their babies' and produce hormone treatment ?

gay =/= trans

Who introduced the LGBT stuff ?

getting your skull smashed will stop you from having children but that is generally not considered good thing

idk man... in your case i'd disagree

very rude

the kidnapping is a practice kinda normal, mother penguins who have lost their chick will tryna get a new one no matter the methods. So as do some single parents that sometimes steal some eggs

I see. The information we're going off is pretty scant here, so I guess there's nothing that lets us come to a definite answer. Still though, what in your mind is the difference between animal homosexuality being not yet proven in such a way we can make a meaningful comparison to humans and animal heterosexuality being proven well enough that we can?

If the two male swans were seen to also have sex with each other, would that prove it? Would you say we understand human homosexuality well enough to say whether such a comparison is fair?

it ain't concidered as a disease. Generally is treated as a part of the phenotype, like some penguins who are shorter, taller and so, that since the homosexuality is related to the genes and just like the genes do they may express or not depending of the environment and such. There's an incredible amount of scientific papers about it you just have to do a little research dumbass

Where did I mention anything about animal heterosexuality?

You were saying that this doesn't prove the swans are gay, which is fair. I'm asking what would prove they are gay.

Are you saying that sexuality as we feel it is a purely human thing and we can't make a comparison between ourselves and animals?

>Are you saying that
I have already explained to you what I am saying and you seemingly choose to ignore it and strawman instead. Why is that?

You're right, user. I misread your posts.

If you read this you now have the gay

Penguins are the most tragic animals

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Can we stop ignoring the fact that being homosdxual is an evolutionary dead end, these penguins are allowed to adopt an egg but it is literally the end of their genes.

>is an evolutionary dead end
Then why hasn't it been bred out yet?

thanks you ruined my day

Why haven't disabilities been bred out yet, mongloid?

God, you libtards are so fucking retarded. Read a book God dammit. The selfish gene or how the mind works for starters

do they fuck each other. how do penguins fuck

>dolphin has gang rape
is natural amirite

It's not just penguins that do it. It's very common with birds.

what happened to him? he fell from a high place?