Both of sisters are dating blacks

>both of sisters are dating blacks
>both my parents don't care and are happy with it

I've had enough of this shit, I'm 22 and a white nationalist my parents and family mock me for it. To hell with them.. Is it safe to travel to Eastern Europe? Why can't we build an Ethnostate in some Eastern European country?

Pic related is them...

Attached: FB_IMG_1561909070439.jpg (540x960, 42K)

I'm not into fascism dude

that's a jew bro

I see nothing wrong here

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Same here... It makes me really angry.. Pic related my 2 sisters. I sometimes feel like just shooting everyone! I wish Russia would just invade us and kill niggers and traitors. Save us Putin!

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She didn't need a diploma, her tatoo in the chest already gave it away

>white nationalist
wow you are even more cringe that these sluts. Have you considered killing yourself?

Are you implying that Eastern Europeans are white?

>Why can't we build a dicklet ethnostate

>BBC slut certificate

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haha fag

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