Why is North Germany such a shithole?

Why is North Germany such a shithole?
Is the East/West divide now destroyed completely?
It seems like the divide is now Norf vs Souf.
and may I be the first to say fuck norf.

Attached: dmkvfof3z6h31.png (4235x4505, 566K)

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what the fuck is norf souf lmao this nigga thinks that's how you say it in german hahahahaha

>high HDI
source please... I HIGHLY doubt it

Attached: w.png (821x661, 470K)

HDI is a meme

'Higher' than the US.
And there is nothing dubious about it, Saxony is very highly developed. Its one of the best states in basically all metrics that matter for HDI (like education).


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-18 Liste der deutschen Bundesländer nach dem Index der menschlichen Entwicklung (1105x599, 81K)


>Is the East/West divide now destroyed completely?
Ignoring city-states, 4/5 eastern states have a lower HDI, and 2/8 western states have a higher. There’s still a high correlation.

Na, bistes?

wiki my nig
This is wiki's source: globaldatalab.org/shdi/shdi/

Attached: bd6e7ab22139fe33222d85ed786c435d.png (892x833, 99K)

>Its one of the best states
I almost sharted myself from laughing

Which ones with the refugees?

BaWü actually
In difference to the turks with german flags here I just got around in this country.

all of them lol

It honestly surprised me that Jägermeister is from northern Germany
I'm a little bit old fashioned and thought north Germans are just too stupid to come up with a successful product unlike the (((Bavarians)))

Bavaria was a poor rural shithole living on state benefits until the last few decades.

oh yeah
I forgot East Germany was literally just the North East.

>For me, it's Schleswig-Holstein

Attached: 62598174.jpg (1080x1331, 115K)

yeah i'm thinking this is based


>In difference to the turks with german flags
Now that's a bold statement.

Saxony is Germany main tech hub and the only region in Eastern Germany that isn't a desolate hellhole

based and redpilled

east still better

Attached: 549037_1530878347.jpg (1034x1200, 363K)


Attached: 1OPxojL.png (816x801, 132K)


my ancestors didn't spread their genes there

Attached: 1563301979769.jpg (144x144, 8K)

t. zoomer who hasn't heard of the GDR before

I've heard of it I just thought that you'd have moved on by now.
All the ex-Soviet European nations are suffering from poverty and depopulation. I didn't know old East Germany was the same.

being so poor no one wants to move there isn't something to be proud of

East Germans are cool

Attached: East German border policemen refusing to shake hands with a Berliner over the border fence in Novemb (960x660, 135K)

No they are not. East germans are russian rape babies that should be given to poland/czechia

Was für ein gigantischer Schwachsinn ist diese Liste denn bitte. H*mburg (Shithole), Br*men(Shithole) und BaWü sollen die besten Regionen von diesem Scheißland sein und Bayern ist auf demselben Niveau wie B*rlin? Welcher Nigger hat denn diesen Dreck verbrochen