Out of all the bullshit that's been going on with US politics the electoral college actually makes sense
Who cares?
Who cares? Both are the same shit, puppets of the corporations and bankers
See Article II, sections 1 through 5 of the United States Constitution. She lost.
Representitive democracy is outdated.
People forget, but one of the reasons the electoral college exists is because it was formed at a time when it could take days, if not weeks for a message to get across the country. Electors filled that roll. Now, computers have made it so that in theory, every bill proposed could be voted on by the entire country, popularly.
this. it prevents a small group of states that have bigger population from dictating every election.
The electoral college is a really great idea, it'd make a use much more feasible and agreeable to smaller countries.
Anyways, isn't that 2 million not even 1 percent of the total population and like 1and some cents of the voters
So? Given the current polling here, there's a chance the conservatives will win the popular vote but the liberals could still win (possibly even a majority).
It happens in Argentina.
There are 10 million peronist niggers in GBA and they always end up deciding the elections.
The fun part is that they live in African-tier conditions thanks to being ruled by peronists since 1945 but keep voting them.