Isn't it rather insulting that the Americas had almost no useful domesticable animals yet had crops that were extremely...

Isn't it rather insulting that the Americas had almost no useful domesticable animals yet had crops that were extremely crucial for their invaders?

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>No useful domesticable animals
>What are Ketzaclans

yeah what are they

>extremely crucial crops
didn't they stay for the gold tho

>Paraguayan education

>el mexicaneaux

I think llamas where pretty fucking useful back then

Potatoes and tomatoes

for incans
the rest didn't have those

>*Reads 'Guns, Germs and Steel' once*

>Potatoes and tomatoes
that's the meaning of Ketzaclan? i thought it was some hoofed animal

I thought he was talking about america

They couldn't farm since they had no animals but somehow they built huge diorite buildings?
Yea, no.

yeah but the Americas (all of them) were big
you don't see iroquois riding llamas or do you

That's because they didn't have brythonii blood. The brythonii built Aztec.

this reminds me of some crazy theory. That there was a hug civilization in the Amazonia. And that most trees there were planted.

Well at least I heared that from and old brit pothead in some Joe Rugan podcast.

You can grow crops without animals

i think is being ironic to OP's logic.

i think he's trolling about 4X strategy games
and you fell for it

That's what I'm saying, some say they couldn't because no animals but then how did they build huge tower?

even google doesn't know that

slaves of c

Impotent manlet rage

Huitzilopotchli built them

sheer shorties' strength

mighty manlet manpower


Ayyy lmaos

Imagine being a 4 foot manlet and you wake up and Cacique (Dear Leader) says build me a template of large magnitude or I sacrifice you right now.

How do they learn maths and beign labor????

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ask me how i know you're a fucking brazilian in Miami, preto desmiolado

stoupide french niggre
>What are chichimequi
see i can make up indian sounding words which have no meaning too