Legacy of the Steppe edition
Other urls found in this thread:
why does ours look so shit
reminder that we are the david to emmets goliath
sucks that the nazis ruined it for everyone else init
Indo-Europeans weren't real.
need a shit but won't
this guy's a faggot
Need a wank but won't
mad how theres a skeleton inside all of us right now
need a wank and shall
maybe Jung was onto something
a gimp country full of gimp looking people ought to have a gimp looking ancient symbol
your mum sucks dick
yes and blood and flesh
eat bronze
Its mainly just tunes on youtube i say to myslef ill go back and listen to then they build up over the days.
yeah but i meant england not the united states
That you are a faggot?
I think it looks cool.
Except you don’t actually win thats the ironic part.
she probably has before
she shall be arrested along with ALL women on judgeMEN day
there are bags of piss and poo inside
yeah it's a form of hoarding
Which guy are you talking about? I see a few there.
even the American one looks more pristine than the fucking fairy flowerstika you have lmaoo
what a cringe picture lmao!
Am a very bad digital hoarder especially with porn
the one in the green shirt and baloompf hat
gf just sent me this wtf
Someone shop this so the riders are black and the guy being run over is white.
Fuck lads... think i might have ocd!
[blocks your path]
is that tori black in the middle? what happened to her fanny lmao it wasn't that bad
imagine posting blacked porn on Jow Forums, parents must be proud
imagine actually buying that flag lmao
Shop it so the riders are Mexican and the guy getting run over is American.
>haha niggers btw gib attention
enjoy being devalued lol
lads whats your poo smell like?
Cringing at the fucking fat shortarsed Leaf tit
whos the redhead
just two lads
Imagine actually being some racially self hating fucking insecure cuck
>i hate my sub-race s-s-so you have to too
um no sweetie
Really need to lose weight and get in shape but fuck me I can not be fucked in the slightest
Just stop drinking fizzy drinks and eating takeaway
just ate some cheese cubes
remember when that dior advert came out a few years ago thinking she was the pengest ting in the whole wide world
My hairline is fucked too mate
i genuinely love myself
cope moar
Whoever put that tent outside Tim's house deserves a severe beating
exercise is fun
Haha god bless
balding is high test btw
any other italian speaking man in?
That's what being fat does to you
Schiz remains stoically resilient, with a cold Saxon sneer as 'Anglo' weaklings assault him with constant barrages of insults and provocations. All bounce off him, like arrows shattering against steel.
Bree daniels
me? i'm celtic
two lads
your fatness is a mental disease
sort it out, i'm tired of seeing you blobs waddling around
I dont give a single hoot lads!
He won't be your friend you know. He hates you pakis.
2bh mate swastikas were quite common in all different forms and you will see all different types for England in these types of pics.
The english one here looks great
Yeah obviously you “love yourself” you fucking retard you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
The penis, if you think about it, is the greatest engineering feature imaginable... Hydraulics, compression, propulsion, heat sensibility... It has practically every engineering characteristic. Towers, low bridges, rocket ships... there's no man-made engineering structure to match it.
Respect brother
you're a virgin
Why were our helmets so shit.
Stop posting porn
what should I have for dinner
>stop right there yer little bastid'. Don't even fucking dream of pickin' those morels, they're for offerin' to the bloodeh tree spirits at the festival la'er. And don't think just because I'm channeling the bloodeh sacred oak right now I won't find out. Yeahh, I'm not behind the wall me yeh know. Think I don't know what yer up to don't yer.
What do?
genuinely despise obese people
*swoops down*
*eats you*
Nothing personal
Hopefully the wog kills himself soon.
mortar shrapnel
What you’re doing RIGHT NOW is a facet of your NPD
Thinking about it, the British really are the most powerful race in the world...
Asu! Asu! Asu!
>oriental women
It's a no from me dog
‘kin hell lads /brit/ is actually dying
got your nose lad haha x
Never their fault is it. They've tried everything but nothing works. Same excuses every time.
Yeah same when i see really morbidly overweight people I feel
A) glad im not that obese
B) glad I have a large frame that better fits being fat than a scrawny fucking gimp
yeah I don't know how unfit people cope with waddling around
being Jow Forums and healthy is a must in my view
Post Priscilla in 2003 or your mom die tonight.
beggars cant be choosers