How do we prevent California from becoming Hapa and Mestizo?

How do we prevent California from becoming Hapa and Mestizo?

I miss the days when it was white with a minority of black people

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>white with a minority of black people
Form when in the 19th century did you come from?

As recent as 1970 and 1980

you cant

The fastest growing group in Cali are Pajeets. They’re not Hapa or Mestizo

I'm sick of white NIMBYs. If the browning of America reduces the power of NIMBYs and brings about more development and better public transit, I welcome it with open arms.

Small peepee

It won't become filled with Mexicrement. Instead, it will be Chinese. It's already starting to happen.

Yeah that’s sort of going under the radar. There already 750,000 of them and growing by at least 30-40%/year

So you’re done with the white asian alliance already?

The what?

He’s been making a threads since June to insinuate a race war between Hispanics and Asians but everyone’s been seeing through his bs

Yeah it always weirded me out how you always point to the spics but then I listen stuff like people having turk, pakistani and pajeet coworkers all the time but nobody cares about those.

>I miss the days when it was white with a minority of black people

I guess if you got rid of the blacks no one would fuck your women. It's a symbiotic relationship.

I’m just saying

There’s a race war to be had between mestizos and Asians

California in the movies has been portrayed as white and black

Have children and politically active in favor of white people, duh. You live in a fucking republic.

The Mexicans will become indistinguishable from the general population after about three generations, same with the dagos and the gooks.

Yeah and it’s California and they traditionally never moved here

>Have children and politically active in favor of white people

That would require from them to do something. People born awesome doesn't require to do anything, ever.
Or are you suggesting that hating others and playing the victim isn't enough? Come on user, they may start thinking and/or actually do something and that's not good.

When was california ever like that? And where do people get the idea that California has a ton of black people?

I miss white people

What the FUCK are you guys talking about?? I rarely ever see Chinese people EVER