Anyone feel like race wouldn't be such a seemingly big problem if everyone just shut the fuck up about it?

Anyone feel like race wouldn't be such a seemingly big problem if everyone just shut the fuck up about it?

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It wouldn't be if we nuked Am*rica

Americans are the only people that give a shit about race. It's part of their culture at this point, absolutely obsessed.

I wouldn't care much at all about race but I'm only attracted to certain races of women. That's pretty much the main reason

It wouldn't be if we killed all American wh*tes

No one outside of America gives a shit about race. Have you ever traveled outside of North America desu?

Race conflict is a tool used by the capitalist elite to divide the working class. All "race" issues are actually class issued that could be quickly resolved through working class solidarity against the bosses who conspire against them.

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Yes, Morgan Freeman was brilliant while explaining this

It wouldn't be a problem if European's fertility rate was 3.1 at least

We're the only ones who don't care about race, Europeans especially are obsessed with it for some reason

only we talk about it

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No it's like weed. You have to legalize it for people to stop complaining about it. Now I see billboards for it. But imagine if gay people were considered normal, maybe we'd hear about it less

That's a racist suggestion user. You need to pay reparations.

>why can't we pretend whites are not evil subhumans?

That's how it worked in the 90's and 2000's depite it being some of the most violent and immigrant filled decades. The internet made everyone hate each other because of twitter posts

Nah I think the problem is we're getting to a point where the "solutions" to various political issues have less and less overlap. Example: in the 60s you might be anti-vietnam war, or you might be pro-vietnam war anti-communism, but both sides agreed on the anti-communism part, both saw the american dream. Flash to today. Your choices are A) build a border wall, ignite trade conflicts and deport mexicans or B) welcome muhammad in with open arms while he fucks your lgbt post-op wife. The choices are becoming more polarizing and extreme because the democrats/leftists/"progressives" have been in charge of the world since 1945 and things are getting PROGRESSIVELY worse. But no one dares move right as Hitler was right wing so that means you're not """"progressive"""".

This was actually the standard view until recently. Now they push for that idea being racist lol. Good luck to the future, where you'll get racially attacked for not putting unrealistically extreme weight on race.

It's a lot better than being European or Latam, being the same race and instead obsessing over nationality and retarded haplogroups.

We need to just respect each other's borders and not immigrate into each other's countries. We have the internet now and can telecommute.

This. I can understand why they are too sensitive about race, but I don’t think it’s a good thing to criticize artists with no malicious intent. For example, when Avril Lavigne made a music video in Japan, many American people criticized her for being a racist, but we Japanese didn’t really think she’s making fun of our culture. We thought she is only enjoying different culture while Americans thought it cultural appropriation. Why are Americans criticizing each other over this problem? It’s weird..

This, I even remember having discussed with Americans online about it before it got into the state it's in now, but I was brushed off cause clearly a foreigner wouldn't be able to see it clearly even though my island have had slavery for centuries.

Honestly, the US would still have a lot of issues to work on, as my island has a heavy case of colorism towards very dark skinned people, but I think the subject of slavery could have been worked on a while ago, though of course, even the criollos here just push to blame to the Spanish, so it might be more of a case of you guys not having someone to scapegoat.

Americans and their mess media is the one promoting this shit race war

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uhhhhhhh murder cant exist if everyone is dead
thats the communist way of solving problems