How many bears have you seen on your country?

how many bears have you seen on your country?

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Probably couple in zoo, when I was a kid.
I prefer not to met them in wildlife.

One, in Bridgeport, CA. I saw it out of the corner of my eye absolutely hauling ass through the woods. I had no idea they could run that fast.

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>mfw da bears win the superb owl

but is hard to find them on wildlife on russia?

I remember it was a problem in Magadan this spring, bears came to city's outskirts for easy food. Bears appearing in cities is rare thing, but them coming to far villages is pretty common thing.

At least 53 a year

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A gypsy used to walk a black bear playing a tambourine near my street when I was a kid. No idea whatever happened to them, though.


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we used to have bears
but ro*ans hunted and used them to extinction

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sometimes they show up in my yard

So you need to be armed or carry bear spray at home?

I do have bear spray yeah but we usually don't bother each other

a few, everytime i came close to shitting myself

3 in the wild.


Based. Can't wait to see them whip the Packers this year

1 in Hokkaido.
It was a cub though.

one walked through my backyard when I was living in New Hampshire. there had been multiple bear sightings in my neighborhood but this was the only one I saw.

ive seen 2 grizzlies but never a black bear

My reflection.



I am a bear

Only in zoos

A bear was in my backyard once. My grandpa shot it.

what did he make with the corpse of the bear

probably some weird shit

all the grizzlys here are dead, murdered by people

How are there brown bears in Mexico?

they existed long ago, in the north

I was riding the gondola to get up to the ski resort, and when I looked down I see one big mama bear and her two kids. They were black bears.

thanks god my ancestors weren't lazy and exterminated them all
dangerous animals are only liked by the ones who will never face them


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only ever saw 1 in the wild. a little black bear walking through a parking lot in NC

They're worse than racoons here in colorado. Them stupid black bears are way to comfortable, they destroy trash cans and spread the trash all over the driveway.

At least 4

3 when i went to yosemite park

It's almost uncanny how well bears can climb trees with them being such pudgy and big

Many, because I live in the woods and they come here all the time.