Your Cunt

>Your Cunt
>How easy are women in your cunt

Attached: 1566180866861.jpg (2009x750, 959K)

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Your women are ugly, much like the Danes.

If you are a nugger

Why do they not have foreheads?

Attached: Sv.jpg (796x796, 200K)

you mean easy for black man, but not for duch

Highly enlightened and superior people do not need foreheads.

Attached: Guenon.jpg (250x253, 14K)

easy if you aren't American or an incel
like me

So the Guenonfag on /lit/ is Dutch. Very interesting.

Im not the Guenonfag, but i do frequent his threads.
Im one of the Spenglerfags, though.

I want a redhead Dutch slut right now. I will single-handedly solve your population decline if you give me one of your tall sluts.