
Varna has sea


Attached: v.jpg (1000x1400, 875K)

Other urls found in this thread:


but that's a picture of denver's skyline

First for macedonia is serbian, brown mongols fuck off and die you subhumans

Attached: 1531486098854.jpg (800x619, 545K)

Attached: 1566142710091.jpg (1328x854, 283K)

second for macedonia is bulgarian, brown smrds fuck off and die you subhumans

Sly Cooper

Its not
Skoplje je srce srbije

everyone but bulgars welcome


Attached: 1566043161044.png (480x503, 11K)

wouldnt really miss out anything important desu

Is this greater Albania?

Looks like super omega ultra special awesome Albanoshqiperia deluxe to me

macedonia + albania
eдeн нapoд
nje popull

Attached: Flag_of_Albanians_in_Macedonia.png (1280x640, 64K)

te dua

the shqiptar women will be walking cum containers for the macedonian BULL

Where are you guys from


>everyone but bulgars welcome

Attached: 1566187634340.jpg (840x1002, 456K)

>the macedonian BULL

Attached: 3-42839.jpg (569x719, 32K)

Üsküp, Türkiye

You man women?

I man women all the time

Attached: 1529750077359.png (502x382, 288K)

uh, sweety, that's a serb

Attached: 1554747089745.png (469x490, 195K)

You cam open

I cam when open then I close to cam outside

Will be going to Varna for the 3rd time next month. Any local who wants to recommend something?

That guy is definitely a mutt. either gypsy, albo or vlach

Will I be able to view this with Google Cardboard?


>3rd time
You've probably seen most of the stuff already.
Apart form that, Varna's very comfy in September. Still Summer without the scorching heat, and much less tourists, so you can enjoy without the commotion.

To not go, reminder every city in Bulgaria is a shithole

Attached: same as it ever was.jpg (680x680, 53K)

Mnogo li sa 20 lea da dam na ciganin da sreje gumi

Kaji 2 leva, I Kat to kaje poveche see pazari za po-malko.
I ne my gi Davao predi da so svyrshi rabotata. I ne my vzimaj kafe.


>нe мoжe caм дa cpeжe eдни гyми

Oд Coлyнa дo Бyдимa, и гдјe Tимoк злaтни cтижe,
и гдјe шyми биcтpa Унa,и Лoвћeн ce нeбy дижe,
тo cy мoјe кpшнe гope, кyдa Cpби cpпcки збope .....
A дoлe , ca cтpaшним шyмoм, Bapдap ce пјeни и cтижe ,
и пaдa , кpoз ycкe клaнцe, y cињe Jeгeјcкo мope,
O вaли o pијeкo cpпcкa ......
Ja caм пyтник ca Bapдapa, гдјe јe Cpпcтвo бeз cлoбoдe,
aл'caм чyo тyжaн жyбop и Mиљaцкe биcтpe вoдe,
видјeo ca pијeкe oбe, мoј Cpбинe, cyжњи poбe.

I don't know about you but I am a Greek

Znaesh fi rabotite

Obicham drugi da mi warshat rabotite
Az samo plashtam (:

Obarkah yuto 6ot sm ot tela


Attached: FB_IMG_1566219925764.jpg (655x958, 49K)

I was there in September last year too, first 2 were almost 30C then it dropped to around 18C-19C. Yeah I've probably seen most already, but that's why I ask.

Shhhh little turkling

Albos and vlachs are whiter than most macedonians tbqh

Bulgaria is a zoo country filled with animals(bulgarians), no self respecting human would ever visit such a place
I knew finns were autistic but damn

we based

Attached: 2zsckp4z0eh31.jpg (1043x1500, 281K)

>those uniforms
wtf are greeks thinking?

This world needs more people like travis bickle

taka se stava cuck

That's a very Slavic-looking Bulgarian.

Attached: general-vladimir-vazov.jpg (991x650, 47K)

Why is spinach with rice so tasty

>a mongol and an armenoid venting out to their superior for raping all their grandmothers for 600 years

>last thread didn't die
blow me fags


Attached: 1548837296367.png (321x133, 74K)

>with animals(bulgarians)
You might be onto something. I'm a 2m. tall Slavic въpкoлaк, and some of my closest of friends look like proto Bulgars who just rode across the Denube after trampling across a continent of tribes. Solid guys tho.

He looks like he's from the cities.

i feel powerless, does it have something to do with salt deficit? i didn't eat anything slaty today

nikvi yuta

I too am 2 metres tall, am I slavic?

>gen. Vazov
>the soldier in the pic
>slavic looking
fuck no


I don't know, but stop hunching your shoulders over.

I don't but thanks for your concern nonetheless

all tall people over 190 i know are all hunchbacks

it's a thing that happens to most tall people
i always try to have my back straight to avoid this fate

194 and pretty straight


>t. thinks slavs look like this

Attached: 1511165573465.jpg (320x207, 14K)

>pretty straight
I doubt that

gypsygarians btfo

t. thinks Bulgarians are genetically slavic unironically

Not everyone, obviously.

Thank you for confiriming your romani heritage

>t. we wuz pure thraco bulgars
>Hellenthal et al, 2014 estimated from data of 94 modern populations a couple of analyses on Bulgarians inferred from an admixture event in 1000-1600 YBP between a Slavic and a Cypriot donor group: to a Polish donor group Bulgarains are of an estimated 59% Polish-like and 41% Cypriot-like admixture; to a Belarusian, Bulgarians are of 46% Belorussian-like and 54% Cypriot-like admixture.[6][7] Early gene flows between southeastern and eastern Europe make it difficult to obtain a correct estimate, although young enough identical by descent segments confirmed such connection and that the East and West Slavs share more identical by descent segments with South Slavs than with Greeks, inter-Slavic populations (a group of Romanians, Gagauz), but less with Balts, while the South Slavs share similar number with East and West Slavs, but fewer with Greeks.[8]
>Around 4% of Bulgarian genes are derived outside of Europe and the Middle East or are of undetermined origin (by 858 CE), of which 2.3% are from Northeast Asia and correspond to Asian tribes such as Bulgars,[13] a consistent very low frequency for Eastern Europe as far as Uralic-speaking Hungarians.
>Haplogroup R1a, the major haplogroup among Slavic tribes, reveals that the haplogroup of the Serbo-Croat group is mainly constituted by R1a-L1280 or R1a-CTS3402, while the Macedono-Bulgarian is exclusively made up of the R1a-L1029.[11] A pattern of distribution of IBD segments between South Slavs and East and West Slavs suggests a shared ancestry or a modest gene flow.[8]

Gowora za ralta we


az sum ciganin

Attached: as sam raven s teb.png (588x506, 10K)

Angel's rectal temperature is approaching limits where normal matter turns to plasma.

Are poles even Slavs? Thought they were German/Mongolian rape babies.

Why is this general so boring without magyarbey+albanian+turkish posters

Poles are the purest Slavs to me.
t. have been to Poland

Attached: 1554070898233.png (375x400, 221K)

No, they are sarmatians who conquered filthy slav(e)s and shkije

Attached: 1280px-Distribution_Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.svg.png (1280x1077, 983K)

I just knew it the pure albanian had joined the thread

Because autism drops to below replacement numbers.

Attached: το σμακνταουν ειναι ψευτικο χερπ ντερπ.gif (400x255, 1.35M)

They just look Slavic.

Big round heads, manlets, look drunk even if sober?

stopped reading right there
I am a pure thraco bulgar. A grandson of Kotis and Attila. Now fuck off Byurmit

Attached: 1546633921925.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Big heads, blue eyes.

>Because autism drops to below replacement numbers.

Attached: 154813103266.png (630x475, 396K)

Attached: 1531059443800.webm (404x368, 2.2M)

ok and i'm a pure ancient macedonian, direct descendant of Makedon and Perdika

very greek post

Where have you been for the last 2000 years?

here you go

Attached: c101_1.jpg (280x295, 14K)

It shows. The whole thread is like a lullaby when only bg+mk flags (excluding fyrombey) are posting.

to taka se po4va
posle shte te domarzi da ebesh jena si