>sort of Serbian but a bit Slovenian too
>and with undertones of Italy, Hungary, Austria and Turkey
Do you find this exotic people interesting? I do!
>sort of Serbian but a bit Slovenian too
>and with undertones of Italy, Hungary, Austria and Turkey
Do you find this exotic people interesting? I do!
they really fucked you and bosnia over with that coastline
>just realised that Bosnia is landlocked
Bosnia never had a claim to any of the coast and the present CRO-BiH border has been in place since about 1739, I believe. As for our coastline, their partisan movement was much stronger than ours in Istria, so they were able to take whatever they pleased.
It's not. Croatia is split in half.
nevermind just googled, from that image it looks like it but hey have 20km of coastline
Why Croations and Srbians hate each other? They're literally the same people with the same language with different sects of christianity
Croatia is... Split in half?
because Zagreb, having its own historic political tradition, didn't want to become a province of Belgrade, I guess.