Best hangover cure?

Best hangover cure?

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Prairie oyster
Also Coca Cola™

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12-pack of beer.

>Prairie oyster
Anything disgusting can help I guess

Any certain tea? I've had good experiences with maccha tea

take shot glass, add a bit of vodka, add a tea spoon of ground black pepper, stir and drink up

Greggs sosij rolls

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Karjala is the worst beer in the world. It's only sugar. Absolutely disgusting.

Drink a bunch of water while being drunk before you go to sleep.

Very true.

3 beers and some amphetamine
T. Hangover pro

I'll just wet myself couple hours later. If works for you, great.

What about the hangover from speed?

The biggest, greasiest pizza you can find.
And a 6 pack of beer.

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5 Hour Energy dumped into a Gatorade.

No such thing if you take just a little bit. Speed hangovers happen when you binge it for days.

>4 eggs, fried in butter
>toast with more butter
>bacon cooked in butter
>3 shots of Koskenkorva
>big glass of water

That will heal even the worse festival hangover after 3 days of headbanging drunk without sleep.

turmeric before and after hangover mixed with black pepper

Big mac and fries

melatonin so you can sleep it off

Benzos and coffee

Menudo (cow stomach)

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Should I get some food to eat while week drinking?