Ugh, what could've been

Ugh, what could've been...

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Based on how Quebec turned out, it would’ve been a white rich area with very little race mixing

Yeah but there was like 12 Frenchmen there total

>inb4 NOOO! New France had a white population of 5,014

It probably would’ve turned out closer to French Guinea

Quebec turned out that way from Anglo administration.

The French started race mixing with the natives already. Look up the Métis people. They look like Mexicans



Race mixing with natives is perfectly acceptable.
Race mixing with other foreign races who have immigrated (or who you've mass-imported *cough*niggers*cough*) is wrong.

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imagine the US but everybody is prentious Frenchmen oh fuck fuck fuck

thats exactly what Quebec is

Why the fuck did they fight so much over Fort Bourbon ? Even today almost no one lives in this area.

That'd be based

Less school shootings though.

oh, I'm getting off in new France

Attached: map-of-dutch-new-amsterdam-33.png (412x599, 71K)

benis :DDDDDD

Il pleut.
Le ciel.
Est bleu.
Il y a du vent mais.
Rien n'y paraît.
C'est un moment parfait
Je n'oublierai jamais
Je t'aime
C'est fou.
Quand meme.
La plage est typique.
Je n'oublierai jamais
C'est un moment parfait.

That's FUCKING LEWD take that off of my colony you thirsty scum.

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imagine a massive french speaking country in the americas

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Imagine a superpower with 300M french speakers

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Imagine if the world was divided in a cold war between New England and New France.

Attached: apu visits frapu.png (1188x676, 121K)

I imagine their accent, it gives me a headache just thinking about it.

>super power
>french speakers

>300m french

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Haha yeah wouldn't that be totally silly and worse than current timeline haha

My fucking dick is diamond at the very thought.

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hey, according to some posters here, France is so big it could carry millions of frenchmen

Wait, I've got an even better idea.
>imagine a timeline where the world is divided in a cold war between Britain+France vs New England+New France

No no no no : France is so big it can S P (Q) R E A D Frenchness to the world and other countries, not invite them over into our own.
The Hexagon has six side for 66 millions Frenchmen TOPS, we're already overloaded and a we'll soon have to cull ourselves from a million or two of useless citizens.

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Now that'd be cool, not gonna lie

Quebec have done a shit load of race mixing with the natives and they are not rich at all and need money from out west to stay afloat. You're retarded.

>Leaving Native Americans alone


Attached: Spanish_North_America (1).png (1200x630, 1.1M)

> Anglo Canadians ended up cucking themselves by taking Québec within them
Thank you for your service.

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H-hey! We would never say those mean things about Canada.

Funny how both France and Spain avoided the east coast.

Always the mate

There be Anglos.

I heard there are still some people in Quebec who can't speak English but it doesn't seem real.

I call bullshit too, unless maybe they're old and live in rural area. Surely they're all taught english in school even in french is their primary language

East coast was poor as shit compared to South America and especially the Caribbean,it was a consolation prize for turning up late to the colonising party.

Maybe in Indian reservations ?

It was where the long game was, though.


Nah, just our superior intelligence and work ethic built a shining city on a pile of shit

It was relevant for controlling the fur trade which was extremely valuable. At one point the French economy was completely dependent on trapping

True, quite true.

there's at least 10-20 million "frenchmen" we could get rid of right now

But Alsace and Bretagne are nice...

which the Dutch and Swedes had remained longer
would've been more interest tbqh

shut up, fash trash

well there was a brief attempt at a Huguenot colony in the Carolinas in the mid-16th century
but the Spanish didn't have any reason to colonize the east coast outside of Florida (no gold or silver, underdeveloped natives) and just tried to keep other people away before their Armada was defeated and the British achieved naval supremacy


Not really, since the colonies were costly to defend and then they vassalized you a few centuries later. A few sugar islands would have been vastly better investments

Imagine the quality of life of a trapper there in the 18th century... No doubt they had balls.

They are now. They needed to be [GAUL'D] a little bit before that.
Maybe 5 million tops.

They don’t teach geography in French schools? Guinea was a French colony in addition to Guyana you illiterate peasant

have french heard this
even quebecers don't like it

dumb rural people who go out of their way to avoid english, quebec has it's own versions of tv shows

natives in quebec are more likely to speak english than french

> because que
dropped. Guillotine for him. Either speak properly English or French, don't mix them both like that.

I don't get it, who are they speaking to ? The wife translates some words in English for no reason...

that's how they talk
it's an example of chiac

>wah wah fash bad
enjoy your civil war, leftycuck

>Maybe 5 million tops.
no way

Chiac being ?

new brunswick/acadian french

Weird. So it's French but randomly you use English words ?

that's how they talk casually
in formal situations they don't use english

Acadian French isn't Chiac. It's just french with some very old expressions and words, like Quebec french but different.