I hate arabs.
They behave like animals.
I wish I never had to interact with them.
The problem they are everywhere in here.
1 in 5 here is an arab.
What group do you hate the most in your country?
Autistic virgin underage nerds on the internet.
i thought you hated japs shahar? what's the matter with you? when are you leaving anyway?
White incels. They are all potential white nationalist terrorist.
Same but in France.
I think you should stop browsing Internet then.
And Flips.
They all ride their shitty electric bicycles and are ugly as shit and smell like shit too. Luckily there is a healthy dose of racism towards them and they're basically outcasts living in their ghettos.
I especially hate Indonesian women because they all wear their fucking sandnigger dress and are ugly as hell.
Really has me clenching my fists anytime I see one of those whores pushing a wheelchair down the street (they're all working as caretakers or housemaids).
All slavs exept civilized ones: Czechs, Sovenians and Poles.
I believe I speak for all of Europe when I say gypsies
Have you looked in the mirror lately, Mao?
t. Virgin freak
Frick off Muslim basterds.
Honestly, I think for me its socially ackward desi people.
Back in college in the US I had to work at this burger place and I swear almost everyone I worked with was indian. The vast majority would speak Hindi with each other and not really interact with anybody else, they really don't give a shit about you if you're not one of them, hell, they'll say that you're "annoying" or "talk too much" if you ever start speaking in English.
A few of them are cool, but I swear the vast majority of them are socially awkward bitches that deserve to be crucified.
I don't hate any group of people.
I'm not some low IQ loser.
Gypsies, others aren't even close.
soy coward keyboards warriorw
The only things I hate is the so called "customers/shoppers"
Muslim northern caucasians and central asians
This, followed by moors.
Caribbean immigrants, communists & flaites (chilean n*ggers)
Fearmongers and the jackasses who get worked up by them
arabs and blacks.
gypsies and arabs
Neets, domestic and foreign
blacks, latinos can be bad too but not nearly as shitty
Don’t forget overly patriotic Turks, Poles, Italians and Russians who are at the same time the biggest hypocrites
Indians and the Chinese, they barely speak any English yet act like offended cunts when you can't understand them.
from worst to tolerable
Retarded NEETs that spam the same lame threads over and over again, and post much too frequently their disgusting face, on some god forsaken imageboard. And arabs