Why are americans so prone to develop a habit for hard drugs, in comparision to other western countries?

Why are americans so prone to develop a habit for hard drugs, in comparision to other western countries?

Opioid epidemics, blacks smoking crack, whites doing meth, rich people snorting coke and kids snacking on benzos seems to be something quintessential american

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a guy I went to school with died in his sleep like 2 days ago after taking a shitload of xanax

because we share a border with mexico and doctors have an incentive to prescribe opioids

because we're based

Low impulse control and muttery.

why do americans always blame Mexico for all their problems

because mexico is the root of all of our problems

We also produce narco corridors, are. Gringos going to consume that shit too?

maybe they gonna take it, make it mainstream, and say they invented it.

they do that a lot.

btw, la cruz de marihuana. Best narcocorrido.

>Why are americans so prone to develop a habit for hard drugs, in comparision to other western countries?
despite what media tells the world, they’re still very conservative when it comes to their values which means that they abide by laws like no alcohol until you 21 (parents that is, the youth pays some schmuck with a pick up truck to buy them beers) and this “rebel against the status quo and authority” causes the “slippery slope” into drug abuse.
Also that they take more drugs is wrong, everything around the Czech Republic is filled with meth addicts and I will give my left nuts if London or Paris aren’t the coke capitals of the world... and don’t get me started about psychedelics and Berlin

drug culture in the UK is huge
ketamine, cocaine, mdma are extremely common for young people
also balloons, weed, acid etc

I thought it was violent video games

>psychedelics and Berlin
what's that all about

I blame the Beatles.

Country is flooded with them from all sides so they are super easy to get, on top of modern life where there are no real struggles or goals to work towards.

Also doctors were giving out opioids for decades like they were candy, basically all you had to do was ask, which is what sparked the epidemic we have now, but if they legalize weed it should die off within a few decades

i blame how good drugs are

t. John Lennon

they are fat so that say something about self control already

Pills are 2-3 times stronger than they were back in my day. Ketamine and Xanax are both hugely popular despite fucking your body up (K) and causing crippling addiction (Xanax.)
They also grew up with social media. Zoomers are going to be so fucked in the head.

wtfs balloons

Nitrous Oxide balloons
laughing gas

i guess N2O/nitrous oxide in balloons

When you insert balloons in your assholes and have another person inflate them. It's very popular in Netherlands

who does laughing gas lmao, thats gay

The only "harddrug" I use is LSD

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What is that succubus, be damned if I don't have the name

are you not afraid of not being able to come all the way down

have read some horror stories about people who fried their brain on acid t b h

thing about horror stories is they're usually just that
LSD is actually one of the more well studied drugs. not that im saying its perfectly safe or whatever

well the horror stories mostly being people who got HPPD or reoccurring flashbacks, which is a legit thing

LSD doesn't fry anything.
It is one of the strongest drugs that does no harm to your brain.
>horror stories
This a much deeper problem than you might think.
Often people who use drugs are mentally or emotionally unstable and shouldn't be even touching drugs in the first place.
Dose plays a big factor too.

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Lynch did a lot of laughing gas when he made Blue velvet

all of our mom's had a friend in high school who thought he could fly and jumped off a roof or some shit.

the funniest thing is, if you actually do acid you realize just how fucking crazy that story is. you're not gonna fry your brain and stay high either, that's just not how these things work. that's like saying "i'm afraid of drinking a cup of coffee and being wired for the rest of my life"

my understanding is that LSD caused the brain to drastically increase connectivity and communication throughout its neuron randomly, so that neurons that aren't normally communicating much are suddenly very active. I doubt that any mechanism could cause this to reoccur spontaneously after the drug has left your system, though I'm sure there is some legitimate basis for the symptoms people describe with triplocks and flashbacks

HPPD is often caused by fake acid or drug interactions that are dangerous.
That's called temporally psychosis.
Like i said not all people should be given psychedelics.

>>LSD doesn't fry anything.
>admits taking a too large dose or having preexisting problems might cause your brain to fry
what's it gonna be, toothpaste

it's actually not that uncommon for people to get reoccurring hallucinations and other adverse effects from psychadelics

i know some people who said they took LSD and still don't know if they ever came all the way down, that shit sounds scary as fuck to me

White Americans descend from European peasants who were always struggling, now they indulge in quick pleasures and easy ways to get money.

You sound like a pussy. Stay away from hallucinogens. Nature loves courage

Read it again, imbecile
Also all substances are bad in a high enough dose.
I've used LSD like 20 times last year in various doses.
From 5mics to 150mics.
There is nothing wrong with me.

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I have preexisting mental issues and have had psychotic symptoms, I don't think it's for me

>still don't know if they ever came all the way down
That feeling only last a couple of months and it's more of intermittent falshbacks here and there.

Good thinking.
Stay away from psychedelics!
I suffer from too much mental stability myself.

Don't take hallucinogens. I have bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder and my trips are always difficult and unpleasant.

Pursuit of happiness (indulgence)

I want to try ketamine but it's shit in quality and very expensive here.

Order online

It's actually a very safe drug. Other inhalants will fuck your brain up.

>muh acid flashbacks
"officer there's an elephant on the runway!"

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honest question -- what is wrong with you guys?
from what did those issues arise?
for me, lsd is based even in 600 ug doses

i have terrible anxiety and LSD trips are some of the rare mental vacations i get to take in life.

Your dealer probably just sold you blotter paper.
At such dose people ago apeshit

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Genetics and early childhood imprinting

listen here baboon
I have no dealer
I said based, meaning an incredible experience
incredible, positive (which does not mean NOT going "apeshit") experiences at all doses I've tried
which is why I asked my friendly question to try and understand causes and effects
so take your "le funny reaction pic xd" and stick it up where it fits you the snuggest


or you can just choose not to take drugs