Classical period

>Classical period
>Latin countries
>sophisticated, clean, intelligent, world powers
>germanic countries
>loud, obnoxious, dirty, savage

>Modern period
>Latin countries (france, italy, spain, portugal)
>loud, obnoxious, dirty, savage
>Germanic countries (Germany, Scandinavia, Netherlands, UK)
>sophisticated, clean, intelligent, world powers

what the hell happened ???

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You just described eastern european countries though not latin countries. Italians are one of the healthiest most long lived people in Europe.

They are just loud, dirty and obnoxious. Those manlets can never be savage. Ever seen an above average medshit fighter in the UFC? Or even at the very least a medshit fighter in the UFC? Yea me neither.

They had some of the best athletes in history, and defeat you all the time in just about everything. Only people who suck at sports are bongs, even at the sports you invented. How many cups have you won again?

>They had some of the best athletes in history
Dont forget to post some fake photos with meme studies with that one. You didnt answer my question, name one medshit UFC fighter.

We are not even loud, at least the portuguese. much less savage ofc, Portugal and Spain are ussually much safer than any other european country---at least we were, now things are probably chaging since we are being invaded by brazilians and blacks

Attached: introv_21europan2v11c0-06v1.png (1159x548, 141K)

Your average is 5'9" bong. A "medshit" recently killed one of yours with one punch LOL

Based bongs get rekt by North Africans, Mutts, Globinos, Niggers, meds and che niggers on the regular. Back in the day Rocky btfo'd every Anglo he fought.

Attached: 8d6e32025b7c588c09d06485fc1315f2.png (808x455, 545K)

Marvin Vettori
Yes it's literally the first result I found for Italian UFC fighter

Enrique MarĂ­n for Spain

Shan't do every single country you've been btfo already

Also where did this meme that barbarians were loud came from? A romanshit living in his shitty cities was probably louder than than a germanic living in the forest.

don't include Italy and us with the iberians

>>Classical period
>>Latin countries
>>sophisticated, clean, intelligent,
Only the elites were like that, the vulgus was just as awful as today's

In fact, you are already africa. Uncle Adolf saw it before anyone else.

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First one is a medshit on paper only. Second one lost 2 times and got sacked lol.
Yea its because the beady eyed swarthy ones (with med genes) bring the whole average down.

You have to go back abdul, leave engaaaallannd, your arabid buthurt is too much obvious.

Look at how his merchant genes try to disorient me with such petty bullshit. You dont like hearing the truth ahmeida? You probably dont like it every time you see the mirror and so you are a loud bitch to cope and therefore your medshit reputation.

joke map tho, most of those coutnries are shitholes nobody would want to live in

Yes SOOOOOOO many "medshits" in Scotland and Ireland to put a dent in their average height lmao. You are not Dutch or Nordic you larpers, you are Anglo, and manlet. It's time to stop thinking you're apart of the nordic sphere. You're mutt spawns.
You should be used to this, bongs lose all the time in virtually every sport LOL.

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Are you trying to prove your point by posting a photo of the same people Im talking about? Yes there are many medshits in scotland and ireland, take your mutt education elsewhere please.

>You are not Dutch or Nordic you larpers, you are Anglo, and manlet.
Fucking this. One thing I recall about my visit to the UK was being taller than most Brits, whereas I was an absolute manlet in Germany. I'm 180cm tall.

In on lets all laugh at bongs thread

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Can confirm, anglos here are usually manlets too

>dat heritagefagging brasilian on every thread

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-18-21-42-06(1).png (505x731, 410K)

I agree, last time I went to London, I wasn't even 17 years old and I couldn't fit into the metro
They were all manlet.
The only country I didn't felt surrounded by dwarves was Norway, could even buy pants and shoes at my size in regular shops!

Anglos are the bane of this earth.

>more likely to be raped or killed in UK than Spain or Italy

>Yes there are many medshits in scotland and ireland
Unlike redheads who never rubbed me the wrong way like medshits do 90% of the time. Quite the opposite I only met 1 redhead man and 1 old redhead woman and they were both briliant in their own way. We should genocide some medshits both in the bong isles and the mediterenean to help redheads get some space.

>Germanic countries (Germany, Scandinavia, Netherlands, UK)
>sophisticated, clean, intelligent, world powers

>Latin countries (france
Fuck off

you wish you had my glorious genes mohammed.

Attached: portugal_1_2-me_23_ansdme_1res2dna_t45_r-3v-bc-b.png (732x643, 25K)

Us germanics became industrial powerhouses in the 18th century while ahmeds were still living in quasi-feudal conditions