Anti boomers thread

anti boomers thread

Attached: FB_IMG_1566234851229.jpg (480x477, 27K)

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pic is missing a big fat layer of shit and grease on the screen god i hate it so much

Malays boomers more like Murican boomers except with "God bless Palestine amen"

A pic of their grandchildren as wallpaper

My mom always moves her phone around like an idiots while taking pictures of things she wants to show me / ask me about.
One time she bought a new car, a black one, and took a picture of it at night without flash or anything. Just a complete black picture with some chrome visible somewhere

Attached: 1505333031947.jpg (1000x1464, 379K)


this is my parents to a T
also spending thousands every year on cruises
i hate german boomers so fuckin much

Those cases are so fucking shit but they always insist on having them

based german boomers whittling away your inheritance so they can enjoy life to its fullest

lmao what the fuck
I thought that was just my dad

>i hate german boomers so fuckin much
so does every european country with a seaport

off topic

Those cases work as a phone protector though.

Attached: SeuthesIII_tumba_Kazanlâk_0771a.jpg (1312x1792, 676K)

and ofcourse the click with one finger at all times, even when tpying a message

Having the volume on maximum for all the moronic Facebook videos they try force you to watch

kek, literally my dad.

there's literally nothing wrong with playing candy crush

>nooo, there is a small scratch in the glass on this phone I will throw in the trash in 3 months when the new iCuck 12.0 comes out

>off topic

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>tfw boomer dad floods my whatsapp with greeting pics every single day
>boomer mom refuses to buy ear buds and forces me to hear her retarded boomer videos whenever she visits

>off topic? YIKES A RINO! Can we get a jannie on this ASAP?

Attached: da8a61d2ddd1e995aeb42d7d2abb9a67.jpg (1281x1200, 87K)

ylyl thread

Attached: 1535677842984.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

My dad has a cover with the fucking Joker printed on it
Apparently he's an oppressed gamer

>>boomer mom refuses to buy ear buds and forces me to hear her retarded boomer videos whenever she visits
this, except i still live at home so its 24/7, fuck its annoying

>tfw boomer parents are trying to spend every last cent of my grandparents inheritance, to the point where I won't get anything

the absolute madman