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Based. Fuck police, ICE, and fascism. Antifa forever!

did he die?

That looks fun.

Based, fuck chink controlled police and chinks in general


Attached: h.jpg (1200x1600, 254K)

Nice English. Really working overtime to garner sympathy among mainlanders.

> implying that the continental chinese see something about the protests in the news on the internet

Mainlanders can suck Hong Kong cock, they're lucky they get anything from an otherwise self-sufficient mega city.

Will China actually do something about this?
What is their statement regarding current events?
What do hkers even protest against?
It used to be against bill but what now since it is on withhold?

Hong Kong is a shithole tho. It's also a rapidly declining in economic importance which is probably one then reasons they are begging to be taken in by a foreign power.

>>hong kong

er, no. water, power, waste disposal, fresh foods are all dependent on the mainland.

Based. No gods, no masters. ACAB.

>Will China actually do something about this?
Yeah, most likely more violence

>What is their statement regarding current events?
They label the prosters hooligans or something, their propaganda never made sense

>What do hkers even protest against?
They are sick of the CCP and want independence

>It used to be against bill but what now since it is on withhold?
They are trying to fool people, they will pass it at a later date, when they think everybody has fogotten. HK's realized this.

It wouldn't be a problem if Shenzen also seperated with Honk Kong, but it seems unrealistic that this will happen.

>how do I make sure the army gets involved

Attached: image.jpg (801x1200, 215K)

>They want independence
No they want a new colonial overlord. Asians loathe freedom by nature.


no, you'd just be kicking the problem down the road since the water, power, land and farming need the entire region, not just the urban centers.

I know you're being ironic, but I still punch you in the face

can someone exblain what is habbening

it's from last week when they occupied the airport

also on the police's press conference, they showed this exact video, but with the part where the police officer beats the woman being edited out
the only thing you could see was him overrun and pulling out his gun

All of that is actually located in or around Shenzen because a large % of CHinas production is also located there. Shenzen area is a very important region

okok thanks

fresh water and electrical generation are from the surrounding region, not in the urban center of shenzhen. for example fresh water is diverted from the Dong River which passes through dongguan, not shenzhen

I'm not being ironic. Also your threats mean nothing to me. As we saw in Portland and as we see today in HK, fascists are weaklings who are terrified of active resistance. We could destroy you easily.

Shenzen is large enough for desalination plants. Defense would be the bigger problem. You would have to find someone to protect you from Winne the Pooh

ITT: plebbit children who are too young to remember all of the color "revolutions" back in the day.

this is a moot point since Shenzhen is highly unlikely to join HK. not withstanding Shenzhen itself is reliant on the surrounding lands for food, water, electricity as well. no city in itself is self-sufficient without rural regions.

This will led to nothing. The more they protest, the more Hong Kongers will hate the protest. Once they'll start losing money tables will turn and the protest will stop.

That's why they are going international. Also it's easier to get US support outside of china since China killed all of their (America's) spies a few years back.

Didn't we get more hong kong posters like a year ago? I haven't seen any HK flag since i came back. Did something change? Are the neets protesting too?

Something like 1/4 of their entire population allegedly attended a protest over the weekend which to me indicates that the entire thing is fake and dying.

I doubt it'll change much. Only if China send tanks maybe something will be done. But they won't they'll just wait. I doubt someone will risk a war with China over Hong Kong

>Fuck the police and fuck laws!

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This is supposed to be a violent protest ?

Based based based
Fuck Ch*na
Fuck Bugs
Fuck Confucius

Unironically based and redpilled.

Yeah liberals why the hypocrisy?

oh fuck, a gilet jaune!