Post your face when you hear someone speaking a Slavic language

Post your face when you hear someone speaking a Slavic language.

Attached: 4753BDFE-B9A2-4B9F-90B5-8CAD1965959B.jpg (750x750, 85K)

Attached: 1557931646477.gif (656x368, 1.47M)

Attached: 1565122992241.png (254x66, 17K)

Attached: WhimsySoul-Arden-1_1024x1024.jpg (1024x683, 74K)

*grabs purse*

Attached: toshiro-mifune-Kikuchiyo-seven-samurai.jpg (500x375, 59K)

*walks opposite side of the street*


Attached: 1561620048194.png (1079x932, 1.52M)

Attached: xdjrjr.jpg (1600x1062, 171K)

My neighbors are ukrainian I don't really make any face, I'm used to it.


Attached: depositphotos_105385580-stock-photo-young-man-biting-fists-with.jpg (680x1023, 106K)

Attached: kuumotsu.jpg (300x348, 25K)

Attached: 61606550_2808003762550295_6396661052116828160_n.jpg (480x853, 26K)

Attached: 1564701173078m.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

i say: thats my sarmatian nigga

Attached: 1561305252209.jpg (201x219, 11K)

Attached: 1565860308717.png (147x144, 6K)

Attached: william.jpg (1080x1440, 132K)

Attached: 1518818188425.png (500x400, 190K)

Attached: bulli.gif (740x416, 2.94M)

if its a couple of qt polish girls this

Attached: 1565935294784.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

>if it's a girl

Attached: 1552533864401.gif (481x360, 2.16M)

Attached: 38A6EEDE-AB8C-4702-84FA-D462DD84D36E.jpg (450x318, 36K)

Attached: 1558303772467.jpg (960x719, 110K)

Fuck off Ukrainian scum

racist pic

Attached: 683124665053487269430106222263759033860096n.jpg (1065x978, 70K)

Please post more racist pics.

Attached: 1490167445674.png (843x1149, 968K)

>File: 1490167445674.png (968 KB, 843x1149)
not it's fine
and dont post racist pics anomore, sven, otherwise I'll report to tolerance police

>polskzcyskisaskaiyazczcxyzx ?

Attached: 19274847_1540789429320629_5628882002131886922_n.png (928x640, 452K)

A few years ago all the prostitutes I met in Germany were Slavic, now they're all Romanian. How come?

Attached: 1471444763849.png (637x671, 197K)

I wanna fuck this bitch in a very brutal manner

Attached: janez.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Attached: Attila_Museum.jpg (1280x960, 336K)


Attached: 14_large.png (428x480, 236K)


Attached: 1552246977935.gif (220x194, 452K)