Why canadians aren't normal?

why canadians aren't normal?

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If the acronym doesn't have 2S in it, it's not Canadian
Those in your pic are burgers

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The “LGBTQP” are pedophiles trying to attach themselves to the gay movement, and are actively belittled by non-Pedos
t. Gay who beat up a pedo who tried to force themselves into a gay pride parade

The cold makes your brain loopy

Western culture ladies and gentlemen

>Beating up a right wing false flagger for being a pedo

yea dont forget the second spirit animal people or whatever lmao I remember when I first saw that at ubc and asked someone what it meant and they talked down at me hahaha

I kill Canada. I burn Canada.

Surprised Injuns aren't giving gays more crap about that tbqh
You can't hardly take a dump in the woods without somebody lecturing you about being disrespectful to native culture, so it seems weird that they can just throw 2S around all casual like

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The Cree arent """""people"""". Long live inuit and mongoloid race. Kill all red skins, metis muttods and wh*Tes. Race war now.

I went to sfu and thank fuck I got out because now they apparently preface every talk/seminar with "thank you all for being here on native land..." and then proceed to explain how we're all guests in this country or something hahahha

Lol, like 40% of faggots are the way they are because of child molestation. Pedophilia is natural to them

Why would you have beef with redskins if they live in a totally different environment from you

My inuit buddies hate the redskins to the south.

Y tho
Is it just the old race war they used to have carrying on?

>Child molestation
I think you mean "statutory rape" which is what the study was looking at. See it turns out faggots are slutty as fuck and will seduce adult men when they are just 16. Even Milo admitted this.

Top right is in Brazil

wow, you fucking nazi bigot

The Nazis are the ones behind it. Baked Alaska even tricked antifa to briefly hold up a "LGBTP" banner during a protest. So yeah it's all good fun but remember that it's just a meme.

It would be the only country that if the US invaded for the most stupid reason, I would blindly believe it and support it.