So THIS is what a farmer’s market looks like under socialism...
So THIS is what a farmer’s market looks like under socialism
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That's staged.
If the vegetables aren’t injected full of hormones and wrapped in tons of plastic, it’s staged.
That's really not that much food.
> uoo, look at this market food, this clearly demonstrates the prosperity and abundance of the country
That argument goes both ways. Mutts have used the supermarket argument for decades.
no, it looks like this
>hehe commie countries are all starving!! muh breadlines
>what do you mean commies weren't actually starving?? e-even africa has- f-food
cope harder
not mentioned USA, just pointed out the retarded generalization of OP
> mutt
you are american, why do you use that phrase?
> cope
> what do you mean commies weren't actually starving ??
All communist countries suffered from famine, I will not discuss that with you because it is fucking undeniable, you are a brainlet if you think that with a photo you can represent the economic situation of a country
> e-even africa has- f-food
That was not what I meant, reading comprehension fence
Free markets produce famine. Even the US doesn't have a real free market for agricultural products anymore. Communism has won that argument.
> Communism has won that argument
How do I win it?
Herbert Hoover was paying farmers millions of dollars to burn their crops and slaughter their piglets while Americans were starving under the Great Depression. You call that a failure of capitalism?
no it's failure of Americanism
that kind of reverse socialism is an age old american tradition last of which was rescuing the banks by paying them generously from working class tax money
Pick one
I don't understand...
>All communist countries suffered from famine
A lot of Eastern Bloc countries had shortages but never famine. Same with Cuba, though they came close in the 90s and a lot of people lost about a third of their body weight.
I don't understand your post
"Venezuela" has basically become the go-to response for triggered conservatives
I'm not a triggered conservative, venezuela is just a good example
It's way worse off than most of the Eastern Bloc was for most of its existence.
example of what
a country suffering from US sanctions and endless bullying?
They clearly are plastic vegetables
Imagine a gulf state run by the biggest retard in existence
that's basically venezuela
Not a good example since the most powerful country on earth has been trying to annihilate them for more than a decade.
> meme of sanctions
those penalties are for individuals and they started in 2017
Venezuela has had a crisis since 2013
Socialism is not communism
Not pro communism, either pro libertanianism amerishit, but venezuelan sanctions started in 2011