Do Americans really have to rely on the charity of others to get by?
Do Americans really have to rely on the charity of others to get by?
A person like that probable spreads out negativity on children. He should be fired.
So what? You should just have unlimited sick days and get paid for it all, just because what you have is deadly?
That's retarded. And I am almost positive no country has this.
I looked up UK and found nothing. I can't be asked to look up uncivilized countries though.
>muh blue check mark
Fuck off
Lmao UK gives you an entire year off for maternity leave I’m sure they’re generous with sick days too
Keep licking boots faggot you’ll be a millionaire someday
He'll spread that cancer and the devil's spirit to the kids though?????
By law, I can have as many sick days as I want, provided that I can provide a doctor's testimony that I am actually sick if this period extends beyond 3 days.
In the case of maternity leave, or serious and debilitating sickness (Such as cancer), my employment is put on hold but I still receive a minimum of 45% of my paycheck and cannot be let go for a minimum period of 6 months (Usually employers offer 12 months).
If I wanted, I could call in sick tomorrow at 9am and get the day off for, say, a migraine and still get paid. Perfectly normal here, no heads are gonna roll for that.
Explain to me why it's important to prioritize the needs of the individual over the needs of the collective.
Sounds like something a communist would say, ameritard.
But to answer your question: because some of us are decent fucking human people and want to see as many individuals treated as well as possible. The collective will not suffer catastrophic damage by giving the individual a bit leeway. Individuals are not going to horrendously abuse the system if the system actually treats them well. Treat humans like people and they just might actually extend that treatment back to its source.
You'd think an American of all things would understand that.
Maternity leave is one year after child birth which can be divided between the mother and father. Just like the swiss user says, I could make up sick leave for under three days out of thin air and I'm not sure about minimum period before employer can let you go but it's at least a year and you still get 80% of the monthly paycheck
Shit like this is considered "wholesome" and totally normal here.
How is a sick person's un-productivity paid for? Is it done by taxes or does the employer get the privilege?
it gets deducted from managers' million range bonuses because they're cunts that can't take care of workplace wellbeing
>think of the businesses!!!
To each according to his need to each according to his ability
>businesses don't employ other people too
>hurting businesses doesn't hurt employees
why are Americans bootlickers
Do europeans really have to rely on reddit to get thread ideas?
sounds like socialism to me
It's the cost of operating a business mate
How is the lack of productivity of the CEO paid for? That's right: massive tax cuts.
You bootlicking subhuman.
every time
>Oh no how can CEO Mr. Goldstein afford his second yacht now?? :(
Americans are so fucking stupid
What if you could get paid and not work at all.
Why do people constantly use tactics of emotional manipulation to serve their own needs
imagine living in a country where the worker hasnt been liberated
wow I feel sorry for you for actually having this mindset. Enjoy getting fucked by the system while you bootlick the corporate government we have.
That'll be $500k for your medical bill btw. You can tip me on the way out.
What if, hear me out.
If we created a system where you were forced to pay my company for services you didnt need based on the need of a less than .05% outlier
>be american
>get shot
>be american
>go to movies
>get shot
>Do Americans really have to rely on the charity of others to get by?
Thought it said "Teacher baiting cancer"
>be american
>fly to new york
>plane lands in a building instead of the runway
Imagine being European and paying 60% of your income so you can see the doctor twice a year for "Free"
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>Be European
>Only know how to be ruled and give the government their cut of your money
>be american
>go to burger king
>get shot
hope you posted this ironically seeing your flag and all...
My company has its own small insurance so we only pay for those that have health problems within the company, keeps it pretty cheap and the benefits haven't been bad, at least compared to gov programs.
Every fucking time lmao
I'd make fun of your shitty country user, but honestly, it's so fucking insignificant, nobody could be bothered to know about you. Keep trying to make fun of the popular kid, and keep telling yourself you aren't jealous.
this is beautiful
How do you mean
>be american
>get mad
The chance of getting some form of cancer in your lifetime is close to 50% nowadays.
A person's productivity improves with their work conditions, even third world countries realized that by now. Having your employees go to work while sick is hardly more productive than having them healthy and rested anyways.
Working while sick is a PRIVILEGE
You should be honored that Mr Shekelstein makes you work your ass off so he can buy a third car
It's the cost of doing business bucko.
Friendly reminder that for a company to exist it needs to be recognized by the government of the country it is operating in. Ff the company doesn't wanna play by the rules of the country it want to operate in then the government, which represents the people, has every right to tell it it simply isn't allowed to operate there.
McDonalds operates all over the world and it has no problems obeying labour laws wherever they operate and still being profitable.
In my country burgerflippers are paid $20+ hourly wage and yet a Big Mac is still cheaper here than in the US.
You are a parody of yourself
>completely lacks a key so we don't know what the colours mean
>tell burger he's stupid
>you're actually retarded yourself
You think that cash isn't actually from the state? Dumb asses. Typically after a month or so the state takes over paying out your money.
Thats the thing, a lot of businesses don't have a CEO. Theres plenty that only employ a couple people and those would tank having to suddenly pay for an absent worker while finding a replacement and paying for that too.
>I'd make fun of your shitty country user, but honestly, I don't know anything about it
It's the equivalent of having a tiny dick but acting like you got a monster dong. So much fucking insecurity
first of all, it doesn't even explain how they define the countries generosity. do they mean percentage of people willing to share stuff with others? percentage of income average person gives to charity? international aid? we will never know
No one said the state doesnt pay for it.
Don't know how it's in Poland but here for sure your company wouldn't tank if one of your employees becomes ill/sick long-term. It's not like the company has to pay for your cancer treatments.
It's usually the health insurance company that pays your salary during a long illness.
>What if — hear me out —
depends on the company. if you have a small business and employ one or two people, yeah, having to pay someones salary when they are sick for longer than a few months could fuck you up
>That‘ll be 420k plus tip, thank you
It might, it might not. Really depends on the industry, lost of companies that size get compensation aid in these cases.
Even so, that doesn't justify letting people die from cancer because TAXES ARE BAD.
I'm just saying that it could absolutely tank a company, and thats why those goverment compensation exist. I'm not arguing for the American model.
Fair enough
>Americans think I mind paying more tax to live in a country that doesn't literally operate on neo-feudalism
They will never understand this feel
That must be satire, no?
Government aid is still the "generosity" of others, just coerced at gunpoint.
>Individuals are not going to horrendously abuse the system
Given the things I've seen people do with SSD and food stamps, I'm inclined to disagree.
No its not.
thinking like this is the reason why you’re becoming each decade more and more like a failed state in South America with an out of touch elite that behaves like the aristocrats in 18th century France and a bottom class that has to sleep in their car because rent is too expensive
>Americans think I mind paying more tax to live in a country that doesn't literally operate on neo-feud
Americans dont think about Europeans ever.
Europeans on the other hand...
we're just jealous you spend all your time thinking about saudis and israelites
How do you mean
We have unlimited paid sick days, by law.
In fact, before coming to Jow Forums I didn't even know there were people on this planet who had "sick days" lol.
It’s mental that in the US even government employees like teachers ( a profession you choose because you don’t want to work for the rest of your life) have no sick or maternal leave
how hard would it be for me to immigrate to Switzerland?
The business has to pay for the sickness for 2 years.
After that, the government takes over.
The employer does not have the right to know what you have.
The employer is allowed to send you a doctor to check if you are really sick.
When the employee can work again, he must cooperate with any reintegration. Even if that means doing a simpler job, if you became handicapped for example.
It is actually illegal for the employer to ask why you are sick.
The employer can ask how he can contact you if he has questions regarding work, when you can work again. And so on.
The employer only has to pay 70% of your wage though.
If you earn minimum wage, then he still has to pay minimum wage.
And pretty much all employers have insured themselves against sick employees.
Did you find this on Reddit?
Americans are too stupid to realise that a healthy workforce benefits the economy
Americans don't think in general
Former wal mart associate here. If you miss 3 days without a doctors note then you get fired. If you miss 6 days with one you get fired.
It kind of sucks employers are allowed to do this but you are free to look for another job and maybe game your current job in the meantime. I went to Whole Foods after than and got twice as much as wal mart.
>Former wal mart associate here.
What the fuck does that mean?
It's called an "Employee"
Also, if you're sick being "Free" to look for another job doesn't exactly mean much, especially if you're working paycheck to paycheck which most low-wage workers in the US are.
nigger are you insane
Jesus Christ you people are vile
How do you mean
>ran out of sick days
yankism is a disease, you need putting down
According to the American cancer society the lifetime risk is at 39% for males at the moment.
That's because most americans get shot before they have a chance to die of cancer
>So what? You should just have unlimited sick days and get paid for it all, just because what you have is deadly?
>That's retarded. And I am almost positive no country has this.
>I looked up UK and found nothing. I can't be asked to look up uncivilized countries though.
Calm down mutt
There is no limit on sick days here. Its not holidays.
>i want to say something back but the lack of education in my country is preventing me from doing so
here i translated your mongrel language into human speak for you