
fuck the EU edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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fuck the eu
third for maisie

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threads off to a good start

>non-white brits
go back home

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Based. Fuck the EU and fuck fake white people. The UK is for asians and anglos.

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just left siberia
in hong kong lads

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hope you brought a flag to unfurl before the masses

I want to put my penis inside her vagina.

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Why would an IRA boy wear orange?
Why would an IRA boy wear a star of david?

Try really hard to catch a bullet with your eye.

the hun shakes in his size 5 boots at this sight

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why would you make this comment

This tune... Man do I rate this tune... This tune is like... The tune you play when all the mates are around and things really start to kick up... Yeah.... Rogers in the back... Pilled out of his wiggy head.... Stellas towards the front of the room dancing about.... Shes bare fit isnt she..... I check my phone... The uber is here.... But this pre is proper kickin innit..... Would it be too crazy just to have a night in the flat... I look at Johno.... He scowls and hurries the rest of us out the door to get in the uber... His house, his rules..... This tune is that moment, and I proper rate that moment.

Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?

China: Is this a Joke?

Japan: Impossible!

America: The question's wrong!!

UK: Rubbish !!

India: F(IV)E This is the reason you find Indians everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts... anything to do with optimising your brain!!

British: Can u Swim?
Indian: No
British: Then a Dog is Better den u because It Swims. Indian: Can u Swim?
British: Yes!
Indian: Then What's the Difference between u & Dog… British Shocked,Faints!! Indian Rocks!

European : Y do U indians come in all colors, look at us,we R all white..?

Abdul Kalam: Horses too come in different colors but donkeys R all the same..!!!

Einstein & a Indian sitting next to each other on a long flight...

Einstein says:
"Let's play a game...
I will ask you a question,
if you don't know the answer,
you pay me only $5
if I don't know the answer,
I will pay you $500..."

Einstein asks the first question:
What's the distance from the Earth to the Moon...?

Indian doesn't say a word,
Reaches his pocket,
Pulls out a $5...

It's the indian turn...

He asks Einstein:
What goes up a hill with 3 legs
comes down on 4 legs..?

Einstein searches the net and asks all his smart friends...
After an hour he gives Indian $500...

Einstein going nuts and asks:
so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four..?

Indian reaches his pocket and gives Einstein $5...

Einstein fainted.....

Send to all Indians all over the globe! Magic Missing Indian flag in this? Don't worry send this message to only 2 groups u will shock to see all these flags will become Indian flags Created by: engineering students Of CIT

despise yanks

>oh my god dude the girl has a gun that is so freakin hot
incel fetish


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just did a pee and a poo

in Walmart

Emma Watson is a British actress.


nobody likes you in /brit/
its incredibly rude of you to impose your presence on us

10 minutes until maccies breakfast lads

Imagine a more perfect world.

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One of the three guys arrested for making shooting threats looks a lot like Charlie Malaponte.


god these threads are so fucking shit lately

what's that show where they always play the little tune on trombone when they change scenes


Sucking Whitey

can think of one way you could improve it


what are you getting?

reminder that this is an anglo-free thread

ban mutts

stop making spastic subject names, couldn't find the thread

coronation street

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none of these are right

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fuck off nonce that's the whole point to keep you out

>start playing a trombone
>bass guitar sounds come out
A funny image.


well it's obviously not working

>making brekky at 12am

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its Sucking Whitey, they did it in the third series because wogblog started playing the trombone in the premiere
he died in the finale so from series 4 they went back to sucking noises

What’s the weather in Thailand like?

>It stops here exactly the same time as it starts there

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Good morning
Woke up but don't feel like eating
should I still make and eat brekkie

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the weather is clement

I hope Finland is consume by an all encompassing firestorm that leaves no survivors.

Fuck you, Finlad.

doing a rather yucky poo


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dont worry finlad i like you

if there's one think that's gotten me through life, it's these 4 letters: APIY, all poo is yucky

no you don't
you said yesterday you only pretend to like him so he doesn't kill himself

youre not meant to say that


law and order

Really good life advice that. Who knows where you’d be without that bit of wisdom.

Home and Away


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i for one love finlad like he was my son

>looking at porn
>looking at picture galleries of various porn scenes
>close up of a porn actress’s asshole
>there is a small amount of what appears to be dried, crusty Dijon mustard forming a ring around her anus

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nah lads it goes like this

Finlad would you have sex with Emma Watson if she offered?

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ever notice how unless you're buying a product in a generic brand, the label on the front almost never actually says what the product is

one of me edfones has conked out

Ninja munatn tutrles?

>large quantities of eggs in a cast iron skillet
extremely b&r


no, it goes like this

sweety.... listen.... that's not a cute look k bye xxx snookems

Finnlad is based lads



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i have a headache lads :(

Take an Ibuprofen.

>5 minutes between posts
I reckon /brit/ will be like /eire/ soon.

back home with me maccies breakfast


alright you've convinced me
going to get a maccies breakfast tomorrow morn

Stfu u retard lol

have to get up early to go to the airport tomorrow fuck me
really wish I could snap me fingers and teleport across the country

can you get a Full English at maccies?

taking the meds

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Imagining a really attractive young girl sitting down on a toilet and squeezing nuggets of poo out of her bumhole.

took the meds

what meds

Imagining you jumping off a building because your life is so pathetic and feeling good about how I never have to see your properly punctuated scat fetish shitposts ever again

Lebs mate

t. I prefer asian women starter pack

so the ticket site I bought my tickets from don't allow print outs until three days before the concert
can't resell them now
have to go