What did you think of the USA when you were a kid?
How about now?
What did you think of the USA when you were a kid?
How about now?
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I thought it was a developed country
Full of subhuman niggers and other shitskins
Full of subhuman niggers and other shitskins
has she gotten pregnant yet
I thought it was pretty cool cuz I watched a lot of American movies.
Now I know it's shit, and that there are a lot of better options if you want to move out and you are not a jew who only wants money.
If you are a filthy greedy fuck, however, the USA is the best option.
I hope not. I want to be the one.
Was raised on conservative values and led to believe America was #1 best country in the world and if you don't put your hand over your heart while reciting the pledge of allegiance then you don't get to go to recess and play with the other kids. I met one single liberal arts teacher in my junior year of high school and she made me realize America is shit and has always been shit, but we're just slightly less shit than the rest of the world. Now I'm somewhere more in the center-left of the political spectrum.
She went off the radar a few years ago
Before : the most developed country in the world , but evil
Now: death to America
I thought it was really nice here unt 2008. Recession hit now theres homeless encamptments everywhere to this day. Place looks poorer than the little pueblo in mexico my family is from
I miss this qt dane
I didn't care
yes by a BLACK BVLL
>#1 country in the world can't believe how luck I was to be born here
>I enjoy living here and feel fortunate to be born here but we're lacking in a lot of areas and I'd like to visit other countries too when I get the chance
Before: Hightech global superpower
Now: The country below Canada, above Mexico
>Recession hit now theres homeless encamptments everywhere to this day.
Ever heard of Hoovervilles, spic?
I thought they were white cowboys.
Now mutts.
Liberal Government Worker Indoctrinates Youth
says Finland
>#1 in stuff like military and economy and overall top 10 in other things.
>This country is shit.
If all it takes is one liberal arts teacher to indoctrinate someone who was raised on conservative ideals for their entire life then conservative ideals are weak. Also nice quads
i remember when i saw american soldiers marching trough out quiet streets, "those fucks will leave and they will regret to occupate Europe."
used to fetishize it, now i hate it in many ways but i still want to visit and see for myself
Greatest country on earth
Greatest country on Earth
We finns are not mutts, Takeshi.
I have a buddy who was stationed in Germany back in the 80s, he told me that the German women absolutely love American GI dick. Is this true?
Something like the biggest 1st world country.
For now it is a shitland of fat fuckers and idiot.
I thought it was a cool futuristic developed country
Now, i think its 70% shithole 30% nice
>A white country where everyone wears hats and suits, and beautiful cars.
Like this, before now pic related
Mongol BVLL
i thought we were the good guys lmao
Yet, notice how both of you are still in America and have yet to make your departure to greener pastures
swede lol
>a country people move to just to make more money
>evil empire ran by neoliberal corporate jews and unethical capitalism
quads chekd
I liked america because of muh hollywood, vidya, television, comic books and music
I unironically hate america because of muh hollywood, vidya, television, comic books and music
Hollywood is literally a propaganda factory that shaped worldviews through decades
Who is this girl?
Yea, that's how indoctrination can work. People can grow up with a pretty normal life, until one day they meet, let's say a scientologist, and they become indoctrinated. It doesn't mean that the indoctrination is right, or that what they learned before then was wrong. It just means that person was likely a weak minded idiot, that is easily malleable. It's almost like you are a special kind of retard user, it's not that complicated.
No kidding, and they likely have a lot of shitty ideas on how to make things worse, while claiming the exact opposite. I love this country, but fuck like half of the idiots in it.