wake up cunts its 9am
/v4/ + friends
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is this vid
vee four
pee poor
Ahoj /v4/.
Going to the gym rn
Sitting in the office and drinking coffee rn
Ooo, that hurts
no one cares about your life you goblin
I didn't sleep all night
I slept but I didnt want to. I wanted to watch anime all night.
I slept all night and didn’t want to wake up
Don't be so angry Pepik, it's just some blogposting.
I'm fat stupid and ugly
I am slim smart and pretty
insects out
what are you doing, v4
Finished the gym, now hanging out with a friend, he has a stupid gf, they are ending their relationship right now at this moment.
>going down a escalator in a subway
>can hear the subway just arrived >valiantly rush to get in
>fly down the escalator
>push through a massive wave of human bodies
>tear open the doors of the subway just as they are about to close
>sit down
>wipe the sweat off my forehead
>mfw it was the wrong subway
show them.
so how full is gym at holidays in working hours? are they half empty during non holidays - same hour
Waking up desu
wageslaving and counting until 16
same brother
It's more or less the same as always.
My friend has finished his relationship between with his spicy Latina.
Nothing to do so I am going to nearby park to relax and creep on tourist qts
I got a lot of work to do today so i'm alright
have fun in the park
Asserted position on my favorite bench, weather is nice today
that's a very nice park
Taking a massive dump for half an hour, visegrad style ;¬J
Are you underage?
also what's that metal thing on your hand
It’s one of the key parks in Warsaw, lots of tourists here, but for some reason it’s run down and poorly maintained.
It’s probably fridge or one of her junkie friends
Im just bored
Thats a signet, it looks like helmet
Thats me
I do that shit once a year
I dont wanna get hooked
hope you die soon
I managed to fall asleep for 2 hours before mum woke me up reeeeee
Now I have to go to urząd but Im lazy af and just wanna stay home and browse
coke is fucking stupid
>short high
>expensive as fuck
what's the fucking point
Well would you look at that, I wish I die soon too
looks alright to me
I tried many drugs, but I just prefer alcohol, gives you best feeling and actually tastes good
thats amphetamine though
inject acodin
Oh no no no
damn dying of acodin would be a shit death
don't do that fridge, can't be good for your head
I will just finish what I have and again up to 1 year break
what a shame, such a nice building
I'm calling the police.
Here’s your park bro
Oh noes
Love takes some time to bloom
When it's right it'll find you
When it's right it'll find you
gas all junkies
Doesn't it make your brain issues even worse though?
Based and lawful citizen pilled
junki bastid to hell wid ye ya junky bastid yer corruptin da youth ya junky bastid im callin da scotlentyard on ya ya bastid
God I wish that were me
janusz >>> norfman and boomer
Why parrot foreign memes when we have equivalents which were around for way longer and are far more relatable
norf is funny
boomer is a bit stale now
janusz sucks
I love the name Janusz desu, and the hell is "norf"?
>needing someone to explain you memes
What a boomer.
Occasional and in moderation small chances
>the hell is "norf"?
How do you manage to not know this despite lurking Jow Forums every day
It's been around for months now
Thing is that I never heard if it desu
Btw I just lurk this general mostly desu
1 hour 11 minutes left to leave this insect hive
Is she hot/cute
Janusz is not just a name, it's a species
It's been done to death
She's Equatorian, so what do you expect?
Trami and Słoni sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
god I hate those Arab subhumans
I hope Americans or Jews glass their desert shithole one day
Qtek you here?
t. never had to deal with Arabs
cringe thread
I am fat and stupid
I have dealt with them a fuckton actually
buying kebab doesn’t count
try conducting business with those dumb shepherds
arabs are slow as fuck, their women use tons of perfume to compensate for the fact they smell like shit when they have 6 layers in 35°C and they are picky as fuck, only people worse than them are indians and russians, fucking retarded negros
Their culture and behavior is a mix of baseless arrogance, unwarranted feeling of entitlement and endless ignorance, I spit on them
I wish I were Polish
I wish I weren P**lish
Why are Poles so stupid and retarded?
Why do P*les not know the meaning of the word generosity?
Why do they not know the meaning of the word humility?
dab on jannies
sike you thought
Poles should be enslaved and Poland turned into an open-air zoo.
Been there, done that.
>captcha is bus
At least your countries have subways.
warsaw has a subway you dimwit
I refuse to call an outdated pseudo tram that has a mere two lines a subway.
Why was I born poolish, and not for example Bahraini or Australian? Why is life so unfair?
Why was I born Arg*ntine subhuman, and not Polish master race? Why is life so unfair?