Does your country have conscription? We have it here but I dodged it
Does your country have conscription? We have it here but I dodged it
Fucking draft dodger!
You should be hanged!
No ,but I wish we did
I actually had a reason
cringe, you should kys
indulging your crippling dick sucking addiction is not an excuse
>Noooo you have to throw 3 years of your life in the trash so my rabbi could get more free money!
>We have it here but I dodged it
>Anime poster
>Immediately thinks about dick sucking
Like pottery
Yes, but i also dodged it :)
Everyone who isn't a low IQ retard dodges it.
As you can see our country is full of them
Look at this guy , where is your patriotism
Besides serving in the army is fun and gives you experience in life
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Zionists
no ;)
If you want to go serve in the army you're more than welcome to do so, you don't need conscription to do it
ITT: low test, low IQ leftist cucks
based dodger. you don't owe (((the state))) a year of your life.
Its 2 years and 8 months here, pretty much your most important years down the drain so a rabbi can read his books in peace while getting free money
Conscription is nessassary , I won't go uninvited
>nearly three years
looks like it seriously fucks up the momentum of one's life in addition to being a waste of your golden years. i'm glad you weren't subjected to that.
Classic low IQ retard, use your brain a little bit and realize not every place on earth is involved in war every few decades like your own country.
Sorry to break the illusion of the homo faggots who think just because they are dumb they made a honorable decision of not dodging. No, you are just dumb.
> hurr durr , I'm high iq
If you really were high iq you would have realized that we don't have conscription here fagit Not to mention the only reason you don't want to go is because you are afraid to get out of the basement
זה אתה מיירקאט?
You got the wrong guy pal
I dodged :)
I heard its really hard to dodge in russia, how did you do it
Pretended to be depressed and to have AvPD, had to spend 20 days in an asylum but it was worth it
Based dodgers not dying in name of greater kikestan, grugwar or vodka Crime-a war
Flag-wavers literally giving their skins to politicians
Fuck this, i would only serve if my country was being invaded or some shit (with may be the case of lebanon, but still marking lebanon)
Lol wot. I've met a few Russians who came here as foreign students to avoid militia service, but you went to an insane asylum instead? Tell us what it's like to spend 20 days in Russian insane asylum. Really curious here.
Here they just let you go if you have a legitimate reason, but if you just don't want to they'll throw you in jail a few times until they realize its pointless and let you go
I don't have the money to study abroad nor the will to learn a foreign language
It was boring because no phones were allowed and I had to read books all day
There were several guys who came there for the same reason as me and we used to talk a lot cause there was nothing better to do
I weren't a special case like guys who throw shit and scream random crap so I even got to go home 2 times
You can also get jailed here but only if you don't go to the conscription office for some time
They came to my friend's place at 6 in the morning once cause he haven't been there since he was 16
>Based dodgers not dying in name of greater kikestan, grugwar or vodka Crime-a war
they don't send conscripts to the frontlines
How did you even get the authorities to commit you? Did you just go to the recruitment office and start screaming into a jar or something? Asking for a friend.
They check your health before everything, it's also possible to dodge if you have a shit eyesight or way too skinny/fat
The physiologist will send you there if he notices that you're way too shy or if you tell him that you're afraid of leaving home for a long time and that you feel anxious in groups of strangers
So you're saying that spending time on Jow Forums sharpened your autism into a sword that you could wield at just the right moment, in order to save you from spending years digging holes in siberia. Good job user.
Conscription here takes 12 months
It's "halted" since 2011 I think.
I still ended up joining.
At least here, if you sign up, you get paid. We have one of the highest paying militaries. It's a smart move if you want to get paid to become a dentist or something.
Here they do, since most conscripts fall into the national guard and our problems are intern
I dodged conscription (with is fucking easy) but i am still in the reserve, i will only be called up in a draft if brazil gets involved in a war inside its borders against an foreign power, reservists are basically cannon folder, most of them also skipped service like me.
Defending the country is based but the part of having no training and being used as gap filling is crap
>Does your country have conscription?
yes,i m originally from greece and i dodged it by escaping my shithole. I m fugitive now in greece and i will probably never return. I m considering applying for Asylum here in Cuckmany
I say at leat try. to some it can help.
I tried for 6 months and it didn' worked for me
i wished i followed your example
at least i wasn't a kravicuck
Look at this guy , where is your patriotism
Besides serving in the army is fun and gives you experience in life
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a tree
>they don't send conscripts to the frontlines
they did in Algeria in the 90's when i did my service
in israel the front-lines are 100% conscripts
Trees are based
yes we do. and I am not gonna take it ( don't wanna die ). but they come after your ass and force you here ( no dodging unless you're a lone male ) I still have a lot of time with highschool and college and after I will hopefully travel somewhere.
damn I need this pic but without those disgusting jew symbols. can't jerk off with that on my screen
Meh, you can play with all the new shiny Russian equipment. Also you have to look at it from another perspective. At the moment it's probably safer being the one doing the bombing rather than being the one getting bombed lol.
But being honest I'd dodge to if I'd live in a third world country like most of you. Our army is in a bad shape, but at least we're not having a war every two years. Also everything else (food, barracks, overall condition of stuff) is probably worse than I could imagine.
When you become 17 here you get a letter you can get conscripted at any time until you are 45.
But there is no conscription in effect right now.
Can you just tell them to fuck themselves? How much for a jailtime in case of avoidance?
well... I guess playing with Russian toys seems cool. but I really I am psychologically unfit to kill. I can't fathom taking someone's life. plus I am not really physically strong or tough so I would have a really hard time there after all these years of anime and neet like lifestyle. but if I manage to study medicine ( which I am thinking of ) i would spent my consicription in a hospital without having to get dirty. so I might take that option
We have it here but I dodged it