Posters you recognize

The austrian incel obsessed with asian females.
The french incel obsessed with the norweigian tranny.

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Attached: RIAN_archive_61150_Great_Patriotic_War.jpg (600x436, 109K)

this guy

the based argie destroyer of off topic threads and ERPing apes

Attached: 1566030228383.jpg (800x578, 73K)

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Attached: 1565942933634.jpg (627x395, 67K)

The half Armenian have American guy

Attached: dashes.jpg (522x394, 50K)

The German cuck poster who thinks he’s black

Attached: 1565718328624.jpg (538x367, 36K)

israeli fuck machines

Attached: 1565674067920.jpg (800x466, 59K)

My fellow brazilian northeastern bro

If you are reading this, you are fucking based, don't listen to the sulistas they are just grape farmers larping as germans

Russin janny

The brazilian with absolute awful posts

The mentally ill Swedish supremacy poster who is either based or cringe depending on the situation

Is this him?

Attached: 1566275192667.png (1345x747, 176K)

No despite the tryhard larping, that guy is more coherent and seemingly stable compared to the Swedish supremacy BVLL

Attached: 755480832871129.jpg (1200x800, 965K)
