/lang/ - Large Assholes Negating Gyrometrics

Look at this dude lmao edition
>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit, ask questions in the thread when the wiki isn't helpful then get told to read the wiki.
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:
pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed)

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X or to attract QTs?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?
None if you don't already know.

old thread: old challenge: I don't feel like finding it

Attached: file.png (902x757, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:


zuerst für Deutsch ist die beste Sprache

Language Challenge

> Today I am going to the library.
> How far away is it?
> It is only three quarters of a mile away.
> I want to borrow this book.

> The book club meets every first Thursday of the month.
> Last time, we read a book about a girl wizard and a boy wizard.
> What genre of books do you like best?
> In my childhood, I liked reading mysteries, with classic detectives like Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes.

> To be honest, if it weren't for book club, I would not read any books at all in adulthood.
> The small font hurts my eyes.
> I am considering listening to audiobooks on my commute.
> I don't think picture books count as real books.

sie ist unironisch eine der schönsten sprachen der welt

This German opera is my latest obsession


Se fífta postere háteð éow leornigan Ænglisc.

Old English actually really interests me but I can't be bothered to learn a dead language, this isn't a criticism despite sounding like one


Heute gehe ich in die Bibliothek
Wie weit weg ist sie?
Sie ist nur dreiviertel Meile weg (???)
Ich möchte dieses Buch ausliehen

Der Buchgruppe trifft jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat

What can you do with a master's degree in Old English?

Do it for her, user... That's why I did it.

Attached: Æthelflæd, Lady of Mercia.gif (500x259, 2.2M)

probably not much but its not necessarily a bad thing, knowing about the world is never a harmful process, all education has innate value

Ponder getting a phd to make people call you doctor to at least get something out of it
Might read about its grammar/pronunciation for a bit but I'm not actually learning it

I was hoping you were going to write a book or launch a lecture series

I'm currently studying German but the random OSV shit fucks me up

[spoiler]I actually wanna translate Beowulf into Serbian with a bunch of commentary on day. [/spoiler]

lol ich xd

Attached: 68414355_2408763729191558_9064971443955040256_n.jpg (480x673, 41K)

not at all, dependent clauses like relative, subordinate, infinitive etc take the verb final construction.

This is a good poster

Out of Anki, Lingvist, Duolingo, Clozemaster, Memrise, which are most worthy of recommendation?
In case of Lingvist, does anyone know if there are ever any discounts? The standard price is outlandish.

It's not random
A. the second verb in a clause becomes the infinitive and goes to the end
B. subordinate clause

I would think Beowolf would be one of those books that were translated into 30 languages already. It was even a movie with Angelina Jolie

Duo is fine as a supplement but even all those together will leave you with broken knowledge at best

They are different things

There is an atrocious translation into Serbian that I swear was done based on another translation. I wanna do it for fun anyway, if no one wants to publish it, I don't really mind.

If you get published, I'll buy a copy


Attached: (You) and I.png (1000x564, 510K)

I'm trying to learn Hawaiian, but the duolingo course is a little bare bones and won't teach me any real grammar rules, and I'm too much of a dumbass for moat of the textbooks I've found.
Is there anyone here that speaks it or knows of any good resources for Hawaiian?

I'd look for uni courses and check the textbook list (if available), maybe you find some that you like

I seriously improved with Clozemaster and Lingvist. The rest are not worthy.

Duo is the cleanest, but nothing can help you if you don't practice on your own and speak the language with real people.

Also Clozemaster has recently launched the great translation game. You import any text, the program splits it into sentences, translates automatically (you can correct translations by yourself), and you then write each sentence manually. It helped me memorize language structures and collocations.

Second translation challenge: dumbfuck song stuck in my head edition. Dashes obviously means this line continues into the next.

Are my ribbons tied?
Is my hair in place?
Have I got a cute expression on my face?
And my shoes all shined
I'll try to keep in line
When I'm dancing in the show tonight...
Does my shuffle step-
Really look so good?
Am I doing it-
The way you think I should?
Would it be amiss
If I blew a kiss
When I'm dancing in the show tonight?
Showtime now is getting nearer
And I'm getting scared
Wish I could see in the mirror-
If I'm all prepared

Thanks. Will keep this in mind for later's class

Memrise is best if you use lots of devices otherwise use Anki.

Lazy. I'll do other later.

Sind meine Bänder gebunden?
Ist mein haar in Position?
Habe ich einen süßen Gesichtsausdruck?
Und meine Schuhe leuchten
Ich werde versuchen in Schach zu halten[?]
Wenn ich heute Abend in der Show tanze
Sieht mein Shuffle-Schritt so schön aus?
Mach ich es so, wie du denkst dass ich es machen soll?
Wäre etwas falsch wenn ich heute Abend beim tanzen in der Show, einen Kuss geben würde?
Show Time wird bald und ich werde Anst haben
Ich wünschte dass ich im Spiegel schauen könnte, ob ich vorberietet bin

endlich eine gute amerikanische post

unhöfflich üzs

Heute gehe in die Bibliothek
Wie weit ist es?
Es ist nur eine dreiviertel Meile entfernt
Ich möchte dieses Buch ausleihen

Der Buchclub trifft sich hier jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat
Zum letzten mal haben wir ein Buch über einen mädchen- und einen Jungenzauberer gelesen
Welches genres des Buches magst du am liebsten?
Als ich ein Kind war, habe ich gerne Mysterien gelesen, die klassichen Detektive wie Nancy Drew und Sherlock Holmes hatten

Ehrlich gesagt, ohne den Buchclub wäre ich in meinem Erwachsenenalter keine Bücher gelesen
Diese kleine Schrift tut meinen Augen weh
Ich denke darüber nach, Hörbücher auf meinem Weg zu hören
Ich denke nicht dass Bilderbücher als echte Bücher gelten

Do you guys think that mandarin or Arabic is more worth the time investment?

Assuming this isn't a political shitpost, Arabic. Paki memes aside you'll at least get to use it online sometimes

What Russian media should I watch if I wanted to learn it. (I know how to read Russian and a few basic lines)

If you're okay with English with a lot of Russian spoken + English subtitles, The Americans. The middle seasons just kind of drag on though

Bonus verse: I forgot it edition

First, you take a step
Then you point your toe
Hope I know it like I did a week ago
Am I standing straight?
I can hardly wait
To be dancing in the show tonight

Arabic culture is more interesting, but i despise both so i cant say

>Heute gehe ich in die Bibliothek.
>Wie weit (von hier) ist es entfernt?
>Es ist nur dreiviertel Meile entfernt.
>Ich möchte dieses Buch ausleihen.

>Der Buchclub versammelt sich am zweiten Donnerstag jedes Monats. (1)
>Letzten Mal lasen wir ein Buch über ein Zuberer-Mädchen und einen Zauberer-Junge.
>Welcher Büchergattung magst du am liebsten?
>In meiner Kindheit las ich gern Geheimnisgeschichten mit klassischen Detektiven wie Nancy Drew und Sherlock Holmes.

>Ehrlich gesagt, wenn es den Buchclub nicht gäbe, würde ich im Erwachsenalter überhaupt keine Bücher lesen. (2)
>Die kleine Schrift schadet meiner Ohren.
>Ich erwäge, um Hörbücher während Pendelzeit anzuhören.
>Ich glaube, dass Bilderbücher zählen wirklich nicht als Bücher. (3)

(1) Are these both acceptable?
>am zweiten Donnerstag jedes Monats
>am zweiten Donnerstag jeden Monat

(2) Could I calque the first clause as:
>(...)wenn es nicht für den Buchclub wäre,...
(2.1) It would perhaps make more sense to substitute 'I would not read any books / würde ich keine Bücher lesen' with
>'I wouldn't have read a single book / hätte ich im Erwachsenalter kein einziges Buch gelesen'

(3) Would a literal translation suffice:
>Ich denke nicht, dass Bilderbücher zählen als echte Bücher.

I'm kind of interested in this question as well, do you think that it's also a better economic investment?

Not really unless you legitimately believe China will take over the world in your life

Today I am ganging tae the bibliotak.
How far awaa is it?
I s' onlie thrae three quarter o a mile awaa.

The buik club forgaithers (meets is usually used for finding an object) ilka fuirsday o the month.
Last time, we rade a buik about a wice lassie an a weird.
Whilk kind o buiks dae ye fain the maist?
No way am I translating this gay sentence.

Tae be evendoun, if it warnae for the buik associe, I wud readnae onie buiks i my bairndom.
The wee font lesed my een.
I am compting hearken tae soundbuiks on my gang.
I dinnae ween photie buiks rackon as suith buiks.

Attached: F6F85300-CDCA-48A9-B5A4-7BAB332B0D21.jpg (350x258, 10K)

I mean it won't really matter unless* of course for the Europe knowing Arabic is more presently useful

For the time being holy shit I'm going to bed

stop getting to it before me

Pardon, mon ami. I hope our German frens split to help everyone.

I use Duolingo and just tried out Lingvist. Those seem okay. Memrise is rather full beginner oldschool TV style language lesson.

Nigga I got to it way before him

Anons who learn dead languages, how do you make sure you make no mistakes?

Arabic/Mandarin are only useful if youre going to be one of these expats/engrish teacher(yes its unironically a thing in gulf states except saudi arabia).

i practice astral projection and speak with dead native speakers

I just meant between the two

What do they make of your accent?

>> Today I am going to the library.
Jag gå till biblioteket idag.
>> How far away is it?
Hur långt bort är det?
>> It is only three quarters of a mile away.
Det är bara trekvart en mil bort.
>> I want to borrow this book.
Jag vill låna den har boken.
>> The book club meets every first Thursday of the month.
Bokklubben möts varje första torsdag av månaden.
>> Last time, we read a book about a girl wizard and a boy wizard.
Förra gång, vi läser en bok om en kvinnlig trollkar och en manlig trollkarl.
>> What genre of books do you like best?
Vilken genre av böcker gillar du mest?

well they can hear my aussie accent (i did have to explain to them what english and australian english meant) but they think it's endearing that a "neohuman", which they call me, learns their language.

>Aujourd'hui je vais à la librairie
>Á quelle distance elle est d'ici?
>Elle est seulement à trois quarts de mile
>Je veux emprunter ce livre

>Le club de littérature se rencontre chaque premier jeudi du mois
>La dernier fois, on a lit un livre sur une fille-magicienne et un garçon-magicien
>Quel genre de livres t'aimes mieux?
>Pendant ma jeunesse, j'aimais lire des mystères, avec les détectives classiques comme Nancy Drew et Sherlock Holmes

>Pour être honnête, si ce n'était pour le club de littérature, je n'aurais lit aucun livre dans l'âge adulte
>Les caractères petits me font mal aux yeux
>J'envisage d'écouter des audiolivres pendant mon commuer
>Je ne crois pas que les livres avec des dessins comptent commes des vrais livres

If perchance you're learning Ancient Greek, please ask the Attic tragedians to dictate you their lost works. Thank you.

That's a stupid idea. The only way to learn a language from a movie is to watch it dubbed and with subtitles in the dub's language. And even better if the movie is originally Russian so you don't get cognitive dissonance from watching the actors' lips that speak in English yet you're hearing Russian. Articulation is a very integral part of language learning.

Of course I'd imagine Russian movies are fucking shit or cringe at best.

>Of course I'd imagine Russian movies are fucking shit or cringe at best.

Attached: Andrei-Tarkovskij-cinematographe.jpg (1280x723, 62K)

>Of course I'd imagine Russian movies are fucking shit or cringe at best.
wie kann ein Mann so falsch sein?

He’s right though, most of them are horrendous dank shit. Some people though say that the ‘Bикинги’ series is decent.

What do youtuber intros sound like in your language?
Spanish: vocaroo.com/i/s0lM4r7POQ6M

I don't know, the Hungarian YouTuber scene is cancer.


They're speaking actual Russian you retard, I never said it was dubbed. What are you even talking about

I assumed The Americans was an American show or something.

Recommend some Russian kino, preferably films, not series.

>Why aren't your bears here?
>The bear is chasing us!
Well, that escalated quickly.

Pour moi? C'est Les Aventures de Tintin pour apprendre le français

early soviet films by eisenstein

im not too familiar with russian cinema, i just know tarkovsky

Boйнa и миp (1965-1967) — as you can guess from the name, it’s a film adaptation of the books. There are four parts in total, I really enjoyed them because of the costumes, camera work, screenplay etc. My favorite movie(s).

Лeтят жypaвли (1957) — another beautiful movie set in the 1940s with a cute main heroine. About wartime.

sorry, i didnt mean waterloo, meant war and peace (1966)

Attached: ss+(2019-08-20+at+09.35.00).jpg (1680x1050, 150K)

Based and redpilled Aussie

no my friend, russia is based and redpilled for producing some of the best art ever conceived

>>Aujourd'hui je vais à la librairie
Librairie is where you buy books; bibliothèque is to rent
>>Á quelle distance elle est d'ici?
A quelle distance est-elle d'ici
>>Elle est seulement à trois quarts de mile
>>Je veux emprunter ce livre

>>Le club de littérature se rencontre chaque premier jeudi du mois
>>La dernier fois, on a lit un livre sur une fille-magicienne et un garçon-magicien
La dernière fois, on a lu un livre sur une fille-magicienne et un garçon-magicien
>>Quel genre de livres t'aimes mieux?
Quel genre de livres préfères-tu?
>>Pendant ma jeunesse, j'aimais lire des mystères, avec les détectives classiques comme Nancy Drew et Sherlock Holmes
Quand j'étais petit, j'aimais lire des romans policiers, avec des détectives classiques comme Nancy Drew (mystère isn't a proper genre, it's all in police)

>>Pour être honnête, si ce n'était pour le club de littérature, je n'aurais lit aucun livre dans l'âge adulte
Pour être honnête, sans le club de littérature, je ne lirais aucun livre en tant qu'adulte (if not for doesn't exist) (lwould read -> subjonctif)
>>Les caractères petits me font mal aux yeux
Les petits caractères me font mal
>>J'envisage d'écouter des audiolivres pendant mon commuer
mon trajet
>>Je ne crois pas que les livres avec des dessins comptent commes des vrais livres
Je ne pense pas que les livres illustrés comptent comme de vrais livres


Attached: 68941359_392557488065196_3245638723240460288_n.jpg (960x960, 89K)

>(lwould read -> subjonctif)
What do you mean? isn't "lirais" conditionnel?

Attached: IMG_1809.png (778x512, 45K)


Attached: 1555124735511.png (664x556, 190K)

>Heute gehe ich in die Bibliothek
>Wie weit weg ist sie?
Yes (if its still in relation to the library, if not, then «es» of course)
>Sie ist nur dreiviertel Meile weg (???)
Yes, but you need a relative article, eine dreiviertel Meile
>Ich möchte dieses Buch ausliehen
Yes, but ausleihen
>Der Buchgruppe trifft jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat
«Der Buchclub» or «Die Buchgruppe», treffen is reflexive in this case, thus «trifft sich»
wow this has no musicality x)
>Sind meine Bänder gebunden?
>Ist mein haar in Position?
>Habe ich einen süßen Gesichtsausdruck?
Yes uwu
>Und meine Schuhe leuchten
>Ich werde versuchen in Schach zu halten[?]
in this case versuchen is reflexive, so «Ich werde versuchen, mich in Schach zu halten»
>Wenn ich heute Abend in der Show tanze
«bei» instead of «in» and «tanzen» tbdesu
>Sieht mein Shuffle-Schritt so schön aus?
By god, yes
>Mach ich es so, wie du denkst dass ich es machen soll?
Yes, but very literal, I'd say something like
* Mache ich es, wie es dir gefällt?
or with a lot of contractions
* Mach' ich's wie's dir gefällt?
>Wäre etwas falsch wenn ich heute Abend beim tanzen in der Show, einen Kuss geben würde?
Yes, but VERY literal lmao
>Show Time wird bald und ich werde Anst haben
* Bald ist Showtime und ich bekomme Angst
>Ich wünschte dass ich im Spiegel schauen könnte, ob ich vorberietet bin
* Ich wünschte, ich könnte in den Spiegel schauen, um zu sehen, ob ich vorbereitet bin

Bonus points for anyone crazy enough to translate this into German with rhymes

Og selvsagt kunne jeg ha kastet ut alle setningene der svaret mitt bare er «ja», men hvem faen bryr seg egentlig? Ingen. Ingen som helst bryr seg.

>Yes, but you need a relative article, eine dreiviertel Meile
interesting. so the full sentence is "Sie ist nur, eine dreiviertel Meile weg"? how come this is the construction?

Ceгoдня я пoйдy в библиoтeкy.
Кaк дaлeкo oнa oтcюдa?
Bceгo килoмeтp.
Mнe хoтeлocь бы взять этy книгy.

Книжный клyб coбиpaeтcя eжeмecячнo пo пepвым чeтвepгaм кaждoгo мecяцa.
B пocлeдний paз мы пpoчитaли книгy пpo дeвoчкy вeдьмy и мaльчикa вoлшeбникa.
Кaкoй жaнp книг тeбe бoльшe вceгo нpaвитcя?
B дeтcтвe мнe нpaвилиcь дeтeктивныe poмaны, c тaкими клaccичecкими дeтeктивaми, кaк Haнcи Дpю и Шepлoк Хoлмc.

Чecтнo гoвopя, ecли нe былo бы книжный клyб, я вo взpocлoй жизни нe читaл бы никaкиe книги.
У мeня бoлит глaзa oт мaлeнький шpифт.
Я paздyмывaю o cлyшaнии ayдиoкниги вo вpeмя пoeздки нa paбoтy.
Я нe cчитaю книжки c кapтинкaми нacтoящими книгaми.

without the comma. why? thats a very loaded question to be honest lmao. its difficult to tell, but all information about amounts is conveyed that way, in english youd say "three quarters of a mile", in german "a three quarter mile" is enough. the same way in commonwealth english its sometimes alright to say "a half hour" or "half ten" (although it means 10:30, in german thatd be 9:30!). theres no real explanation as to why that is.

I apologize if I'm reading too much into what you say but would you recommend some other language in monetary and literary terms? All websites about language learning recommend mandarin and arabic as the big ones to go for in those departments

ok cool
sorry, the way some information in german is imparted still eludes me but im slowly getting used to it.
phrases like "es gibt" seem nonsensical when directly translated to english but it makes sense to me in german now so i understand there are some fixed phrases that are simply deeply integrated within the language.

Oчeнь хopoшo.

Attached: 9D5837E4-E753-400B-AE2B-F5FF95F70656.jpg (1240x697, 188K)

by the way, when you say "amounts" do you mean both quantities and distant?


Yea, the same construction is weird in pretty much every germanic language. "Det er/är" in norwegian, danish, swedish literally means "it is", "er zijn" (i think?) in dutch, means "there are" (roughly). The funny thing is that "da sind" (there are) is grammatical too, but "there" in this phrase is very literal, so it semantically implies "that/those which is/are over there is..."

In Danish it’s der er

>Oggi vano alla biblioteca
>Quanto è lontano?
>Solo è tre quarti di miglio da qui
>Voglio prendere in prestito questo libro

>Il club de libro incontra ogni primo giovedi del mesi
>Ultima volta, abbiamo letto un libro di una ragazza mago y un ragazzo mago
>Che genere di libri ti piace di più?
>Nella mia infanzia, mi piaceva leggere i misteri con detective classici come Nancy Drew e Sherlock Holmes

>Hoy voy a la biblioteca
>¿Qué tan lejos está?
>Está solo tres quatros de una milla de aquí
>Quiero pedir prestado este libro

>El club del libro se encontra cada primero jueves del mes
>Ultima vez, leímos un libro de una niña mago y un niño mago
>¿Qué género de libros te gusta más?
>En mi infancia, me gustaría leer misterios con detectives clasicos como Nancy Drew y Sherlock Holmes

>Para ser honesto, si no fuera para el club del libro, no yo leería ninguna libros en todas formas en mi edad adulta
>La pequeña fuente me dole mis ojos
>Estoy considerando de escuchar a los libros de audio en mi viaje
>No creo que los libros de imágenes cuentan como libros reales

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

>> Today I am going to the library.
Σήμερα πάω στη βιβλιοθήkη
>> How far away is it?
Πόσο μαkριά είναι;
>> It is only three quarters of a mile away.
Είναι μόνο 0,75 μιίλια από εδώ
>> I want to borrow this book.
Θέλω να δανειστώ αυτό το βιβλίο

>> The book club meets every first Thursday of the month.
Η λέσχη βιβλίου συναντηθεί kάθε πρώτη Πέμπτη του μήνα
>> Last time, we read a book about a girl wizard and a boy wizard.
Την τελευταία φορά, διαβάσαμε ένα βιβλίο για ένα θυληkό μάγο kαι έναν αρσενιkό μάγο
>> What genre of books do you like best?
Ποιο είδο των βιβλίων σου αρέσουν kαλύτερα
>> In my childhood, I liked reading mysteries, with classic detectives like Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes.
Την παιδιkή ηλιkία, μου άρεσε να διαβάζω τα βιβλία μυστηρίου, με kλασιkούς ερευνητές όπως τη Nancy Drew kαι τον Sherlock Holmes

>> To be honest, if it weren't for book club, I would not read any books at all in adulthood.
Για να είμαι ειλιkρινής, αν δεν ήταν για τη λέσχη βιβλίου, δεν θα διάβαζα kανένα βιβλίο kαθόλου στην ενηλιkή ζωή
>> The small font hurts my eyes.
Η μιkρή γραμματοσειρά πονάει τα μάτια μου
>> I am considering listening to audiobooks on my commute.
Σkέφτομαι να αkούω τα ηχογραφημένα βιβλία στη μεταkίνηση προς τη δουλειά μου
>> I don't think picture books count as real books.
Δεν νομίζω ότι τα ειkονογραφημένα βιβλία μετράει ως αλιθηνά βιβλία

мoя жeнa чинo... ХOЧУ TPAХHУTЬ ЧИHO
пoжaлyйcтa чинo тaкaя милaя мoя жeнa чинo тaкaя милaя чинo чaн ceкc чинo ceкc c чинo хoтeлocь бы нeмнoгo кaфy ceкca чинo ceкca c чинo кaфy чинo мoя жeнa милaя тaкaя чинo жeнa