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Other urls found in this thread:


doin a listen

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doxxing is against the rules, thought youd have learnt by now


what's he doing

walking towards the camera

Song of the summer



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Remember that our country is FUBAR.

Attached: pdespair.jpg (708x800, 174K)

sucking a golf ball

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EU on the ropes, Boris coming in

Attached: 1566173832764.jpg (648x555, 80K)

>we want another brexit referendum
>lol no indyref2

ahh yes, the "liberal" democrats

imageboard not link board
sick of seeing "true geordie" as if it's a thing that exists


>Mr Quashie, 26


Chill the fuck out retard

not actually been giving politics the time of day recently what has boris been up to

Janny choking back tears


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sticking two fingers up at the EU
muh coppers

but am i arsed what youre sick of

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>you will never watch a new inbetweeners episode

school the day after top bants

i have just received un garniture morte

That retard will be dealt with shortly

Should only be one global government

Attached: 1564157511677.webm (640x360, 2.55M)

its all for show for his delusional voterbase

im an anarcho communist

reminder Boris got leftyliberal london to vote for him, NOT LAUGHING NOW are they.

what's he listening to?

under the irish flag

hes cum himself

is this Dave with Leviticus on audiobook

Cant imagine the state of the average boris supporter's pineal gland


the louis video, cannot be aggro etc, still not been reuploaded
sad state

Happy for the republic of ireland to annex the entire uk

cat's fuming, been put on a diet, 7.5kg is too heavy apparently.

Dont know what to do when I'm not at work
It's the only thing distracting me from my loneliness

god no we've staved off a literal paki for pm so far

Why the fuck is Microsoft trying to gain access to my Gmail account, lads?

Id be happy with just northern Ireland

>true Geordie

Literally who?

not like he'll be PM for long. very unpopular with the public and will lose a general election

>very unpopular with the public

does he have the same disease as what gary coleman had

All or nothing lad.


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i masturbate to anime

bit burnt out with politics, haven’t been keeping up for months and have become very apathetic

Some fat nonce on YT who impressionable zoomers worship because he's angry and swears.

What percent of NI are actually staunch unionists?

Sort yourselves out first

>gas man says he'll come to service the boiler at some time between 8:30 - 1:30
>rocks up at 8:35
what was the point


Was just reading that, this knife-crime chicken box has really got the wogs in a tizzy.

Less than 50% and shrinking these days

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me 10 seconds after I sink my willy in yer mam’s gash

Brexits cancelled
Lab-con coalition in charge
Government currently discussing the regulation surrounding market stall opening timed

poo geordie

if i were a yank i'd be positively sharting at british knife crime

page is archived but the video is not
wtf this is a crying shame

Never going to happen, Labour would need so many Tories and the likes of Kate Hoey would never vote for a government aimed at stopping Brexit, you've left it too late, Rorke's won.

Attached: 0_EMB-The-Great-British-Bake-Off.jpg (615x923, 77K)

>increasingly nervous paddy says for the 5th time this century

Attached: big ian.jpg (747x960, 103K)

You can sort us out.

maybe they should stop stabbing each other.
A girl I know from uni moved to London about 3 months ago to work is a club has already witnessed a stabbing and been mugged

>if i were a yank i'd be positively sharting

We shart at everything.

What general election would that be kiddo?

Attached: britkek.gif (500x209, 1.8M)

The highest growing population in Ireland/? Not Catholics, Nigerians LMAO

For me, it's Michelle


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Wouldn't make any difference to me. Bit messed up considered all the people who died for the cause tho

There is less than 60000 of them out of a population of 6 million lad, bit rich coming from a country whose capital is less than 50% white

What the FUCK is that trim on the left???

>Hello it's me Boris Johnson
>Hello I'm Boris Johnson
>Well hello there I'm Boris Johnson
>Hello, would you like to know who I am well I'm Boris Johnson
>Boris Johnson
>Once a person asks me my name I tell them hello I'm Boris Johnson
>A band of gypsies is travelling down a forest road; in the distant fog, Boris Johnson
>I've been told countless times that I'm Boris Johnson
>Hello Conan the Barbarian I'm Boris Johnson
>I'm Boris Johnson and I took one of those large Irish dogs and named it Boris Johnson
>Good morrow stout traveller I'm Boris Johnson

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any of yo ulot like how i met your mother

so glad i dropped out of school before the jews could fill my head with marxist propaganda

>there is

Oh dear


yank shite

dumb crossposter

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Last haircut before accepting that he's bald.

/brit/ is a commonwealth general

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Ah yes IRELAND, whose leader is a HOMOSEXUAL mixed race, OH NONONONO

in the city the other day
walked past this stairway that led to an underground woolworths
have you ever seen an underground supermarket

Life is just wage slavery and waiting to die

london is 95% white in the centre according to reliable sources

Glad i got some back up passports for when shit hits the fan here.

Imagine actually being stuck in the boomer apocalypse fantasy lol

Chimps need genociding.

>whole family died a few weeks prior

gee wonder why he sad

imagine how much damage getting a pressure washer and aiming it point blank at your willy hole then firing would do

so are oreos

bonobo nonces first


Boiled eggs for brekkie

might start calling you Bombayclot Aloo