Do Swedish men actually do this?

Do Swedish men actually do this?

Attached: cringe.png (695x865, 1.12M)

have heterosexual relationships?


they are really cute together

Attached: pewdiepiemarzia5.jpg (1080x1081, 83K)

Favourite couple

Attached: C0885253-C4C7-4C2E-9BF5-6FA30A456B2B.jpg (750x872, 129K)

this hurts me in my racemixing yellow fever soul

No we don't do this :(

where can I get weeb shirts that he always wears? I wanna wear clothes with Jap signs on them

Attached: qt.jpg (500x750, 105K)

baby when

What is the massive appeal of poodiepie? Serious question, I don't get it.

>getting married to a white woman in 2019
In 2 years she’ll divorce him and take half his money

they got married in sweden our divorce laws don't work like that. divorce rape isn't possible

Med women cant resist the NORDIC BVLL

>*fake screaming*
>haha funny swedish man!
thats about it

they look great, I'm happy for them

how does it work


Couldn’t he have found a white girl instead?

Have you ever noticed that Marzia has a really crooked nose?

Fucking disgusting.

OMG so cute

Way to reveal you haven't seen a PewDiePie video since 2011.

That's not something you should be proud of son.

med pussy belongs to nordick

Both of their noses look weird.

Felix wears only designer brands, unless you can afford to pay 1000 dollars for one shirt, forget about buying the same clothes

The only clip I've ever seen is when he payed some Indian dudes to hold up a sign about Jews and caused massive butthurt. You shouldn't be watching him anyway. Doesn't he just play mincraft all day?

she got a nosejob, supposedly to fix her breathing. after that her nose has looked more noticeably "off"