Let's face it we all wish we were born American

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don't project

If I had been I would already have started a shooting in a mosque or mexican supermarket and been shot myself. So no.

is america going to crumble asking for a friend

Fuck no I don't want 50k bills for a broken toe

cant handle a few bullets?

Inshallah soon

I wish I was born american, better job market, higher pay, and affordable real estate

wish I lived in rural appalachia

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It's either being shot dead or going to jail, so it doesn't really matter. I had such a phase in my life, so it's a good thing I had no idea how to get a gun.

No. Speak for yourself, Shahar.

I was born to kill Americans, much better

Pacific Northwest or in some comfy mid-sized towin the New England.

Other than that it mostly South Africa tier. Gun violence, racial tensions and massive economic inequality. No thanks.

take the midwest pill

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Well everything west of Lake Michigan and north of Chicago should be nice, too

Only if I remain perma-rich

Pussy, 99% of americans can live life normaly in the presence of guns. Just goes to show you how weak and unhinged yuros are. They loose there mind just thinking about guns.

We prefer safety
You prefer lying dead
Different culture

>99% of americans can live life normaly in the presence of guns.
I know. But I happen to be one of the >1% who have no idea what to do after high school other than fight in the race war. People like that exist both in Europe and the US but in the US they get a chance to act it out as we can see.

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Jow Forums memes =/ reality. Chances of dieing in shooting are extremely small. Also youre a fag
CC so you can shoot them when they snap

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Hell no, I just wish we weren't a laughing stock.

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UK would be more comfy

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Based and Borgoñapilled.

I unironically wish I was Italian. My grandparents should have stayed.

Real estate prices vary a lot. In some areas it's very expensive because there's a lot of jobs but the infrastructure wasn't mean to handle such a large population.
t. mom is a realtor

shut the fuck up

Being born American is pretty bad, you lose your foreskin, you are monolingual and get brainwashed by consumerism 24/7, but becoming an American citizen from an European country is good.


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Jeez, what a hack.

He also said that Swedish or Germans are niggers
I wouldn't trust him that much

I've actually spend some time in Duluth.

It was as snowy as in home but the winters were a LOT worse than even in Finland. And I'm from Northern Finland originally. It was so fucking cold at there wasn't a sea to warm you up.

I've also spend some time in Dallas/Fort Worth area when Nokia had a site in there and my aunt used to work there.

Both of them are too extreme for me weather wise.

Thank you based Gulf Stream.

Economic inequality is definitely serious here. Gun violence isn't a serious issue everywhere in the US though.

i thought that was a matter of record

Only the British are wite according to him

>you are monolingual
Some of us get bored with that and learn another one.

Looking at history he is correct and we should of heeded his worning more dumb swarthoid

See this He wasn't the brightest star when it comes to anything aside Electricity

I want to move to the US of A

30 years ago, maybe

Whiter than you gomez

What is safety without freedom? A life without the opportunity to pursue happiness isn’t worth protecting
based sneed

I thank God i live here

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You could also be born in a third world island having access to US citizenship, apply for a local citizenship, move to Spain and get recognized as a citizen of an Iberianamerican country, and get Spanish citizenship for residing there in two years, ALSO having EU citizenship as a result. Most Puerto Ricans don't know how stacked we have it in our favor.

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What mid-sized city would you recommend?

needs more knives


ITT yuros writhe and seeth over the fact that they wernt born in America and will never be American

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Is it like an old, rusty industrial town?

Great hockey team though.

Give me citizenship NOW

i like pittsburgh

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Get centeral american or mexican citizenship then claim asylum. Eventualy you will be given citizenship by a democratic president. Obongo gave like 10 million free citizenship just because when he was president.

can't imagine a worse fate than being born an american

Don't want to be another number in a clog so no thanks I prefer living here

Pittsburgh used to be known for steel production in the late 1800s and early 1900s and experienced a bit of an economic decline like most rust belt cities but is in a period of revitalization now with a distinctly modern downtown with good nightlife and some hipstery areas if you’re into that. It also not crowded like NYC for example

Yes I wish because of the male water polo team in high school and constantly got to look at big dicks in the changing room

Nice but how's the pussy game

Based and Ameripilled


Thanks, that's really great to know!

based yank

I'm not moving to your goyim cattle ranch.

The only freedom you have in the USA is to buy things you don't need with money you don't have to impress people you don't like

Did you take this on facebook?