>white women + hispanic men are the second highest marriage stat next to white men + asian women
Ok no but seriously, what the fuck is going on?
>white women + hispanic men are the second highest marriage stat next to white men + asian women
Ok no but seriously, what the fuck is going on?
I think even Freud agreed that women lust for high quality DNA seed both consciously and subconsciously, it is hardwired in their DNA, all about trying to make the offspring as high quality as possible.
White societies and predominatly white countries have always kept women on a leash through monogamy. Women hate monogamy and must be brainwashed to accept it.
Then the sexual revolution occured and women could sleep around with any men they chose, instead of some balding manlet wageslave.
Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be women embracing BBC and non-whites. You guys always deny this or pretend it's only a cucks fantasy, but the amount of amatuer BBC and interracial porn coming from America is astounding. Blacked is accounting for less than 1% off all interracial videos, that are amatuer and not even filmed for profit. You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning.
This is why I don't get the blacked meme
white women would rather marry a latino goblin than a nigger
Doesn't explain why white men go for asian women.
>inb4 they're more feminine or they "ACTUALLY ACT LIKE WOMEN"
White men don't all equal Jow Forums retards.
Latino men are high test gangbangers unlike ssisy witebois
Sorry what? White men+ hispanic woman is the most normal one, followed closely by hispanic men and white woman.
Surprise surprise, both cultures in the americas that was made by europeans like each other...
Mexicans have big willies and can cook tasty food.
They're manlets you idiot
Height and dick size are not related.
t. Small dick lanklet.
Sorry for party rocking your females, sissy white boys
They can pole vault over giraffe looking wh*Toid men and do lucha flips in midair to mog them.
Not enough BLACK BVLLS to go around and cyanide capsules are preferable to wh*Te """men"""
they don't ,they only marry the ones that look med/blackish
Serious answer:
>influx of spics coming into white communities
>influx of asians coming into white communities
If you go to any suburb of any major city in texas then it's extremely common to see this shit.
When I was in highschool the spics would actively go to the higher class highschool because there "were more white girls there." while I was left to rot in inceldom.
Also, LOL at all the spics ITT thinking they can get a top tier white or asian woman.
>they only marry the ones that look med/blackish
So, all of them.
Because white marriages are shit and when they fail (often because the husband got cucked) white males become traumatized and develop an obsession for Asian women as means of coping.
White culture is also too boring and cringe, women prefer black and Latino culture because our culture is vibrant, sexual and manly.
Take your meds
god spic genes are almost as bad as ashkenazi ones appearance wise
not only youre prone to manletism seems like because of the rapid difference in diet over the past centuries being chubby and greasy is very seems like it's very common for them, and even without it native south american facial features are generally just ugly
>he fears the Latin lover.
Mexican penis is several cm larger than American .
It truly is shocking when you look at the results of penis size exam. Americans are smaller than almost all Euros, smaller than Mexicans, smaller than Africans (obv) and according to some studies even smaller than the Japanese!
What makes the "white" american penis so small?
you ethnics wont get bleached
los mexicanos son pijacorta jajaja
>spics think they can fuck white women
>get bleached
no but your women will get BROWN'd regardless
I come from a festival in USA and at 170cm I was mogged hard by whites girls avg was mi height lol and still managed to get laid
go make some ethnic cope depression threads instead of ethnic cope bull threads
lots of Hispanic guys are just white guys, depending on which genes are dominant. I dated a Mexican guy in highschool who looked white only his dad was brown. Hispanic usually just mean some kind of mutt who can look like whatever. Sometimes they can even be pure white/asian/etc depending when their ancestors moved.
Also its THIRD,
First is white man/hispanic woman
Second is white woman/hispanic man
Third is white man/asian woman
Not an accomplishment. Have a family if you want some respect
No such thing as white hispanics
Holy shit I just made the OP up for b8 but it's actually real?
milk too spicy, you get watery diarrhea
Women too spicy, you get brown kids
I don’t agree with mixing, but I understand it. A lot of spics look like tanned Med guys, which is the most attractive look.
Don't you get tired of this?
>lots of Hispanic guys are just white guys, depending on which genes are dominant.
Yeah, many of them just remind me of tanned Meds.
>a lot
???? No, OP said White guy/Asian girl was the #1 which is nonsense incel crap. White guy/Hispanic girl is first. Thats my point.
There is in USA. Honestly half the time a person is hispanic they just look like normal white Amerimutt and sometimes they do look brown skinned depending what kind of genes are dominant. Louis CK is hispanic for example but his Irish gene are dominant.
Many that I’ve seen, sometimes I can’t tell if a guy is a Mestizo or tanned Med.
it's more that we are too poor and too religious to marry early. By the time couples do become engaged, they already went though several years living toghether, sometimes more than a decade.
Angry chink
The HMWF and WMHF fluctuates all the time meanwhile WMAF is a common second
Literally this
At least white/ Hispanic you know it’s relatively even
White/Asian you know the Asian guys aren’t getting any white pussy
I feel really sorry for mexican andy he has no single attractive feature
That's because you're either blind or lying. The only place with a lot of those is the southern corner of south america. Certainly not mexico.
>Hispanic Americans look like meds
>central Mexicans and central americans look like meds
I’ve seen some cute Mexican guys that look like pic related, but I know they’re technically mutts so I don’t approach them. This guy is a pure Med and he is white.
Is that legal immigration?
>the only state where AMLO lost
funny how Mexican Andy is the real fake Mexican from guatemala and everyone calls the real Mexican(fedmyster) as the fake one.
Speaking of him, how's his presidency so far?
When I was Texas I saw some spic manlets with tall white girls. I thought the number of HM and WF couples were going to be way less.
His skin is darker and you can see the native features slightly. You're blind.
How can one Brazilian poster be so based
>His skin is darker and you can see the native features slightly.
That model is 100% Italian dude.
You should come to Austin. UT campus is a shitshow. Just spics with white women and the chinese whores are slutting it up with the white guys.
Fucking hate this place.
white bois busy playing gacha games
Not really surprising. Throughout history, women have always been attracted to darker skin than their own, describing their ideal man being "tall, dark and handsome" goes back to at least the 1800s. Some theorise that this comes from the fact that men were generally outdoors more than women in the past, so had a suntan and were darker compared to paler women.
This, but it’s for Meds, not non-whites. Some Hispanics look/are Med though.
Men are slightly darker than women on average.
Hispanics are taking our women and no one cares. This is why the El Paso terror attack happened.
Problem nowadays is that women seem to insist in tanning their skin into dark brown leather, so they need to go black if they want to find men darker than them.
yeah Chads don't care aka most people. only virgin incel shooters care. stop blaming women/minorities for not improving yourself.
This doesn’t even make sense if their is a surplus of white men married to non white women how is this the case ?
White women aren’t the pinnacle of beauty. And there tends to be more black men bashing their own women than anyone else
Suicidal cucks.
I used to just think you were a far left winger who enjoyed posting race mixing but then I realized you get angry about white man + non white female and are only ok with white female + non white male
You can dish out but you can’t take it exspically with Brazilian women leaving for America
Whites and Hispanics are the two largest demographical groups in the usa.
The most cucked males in the world will always come up with new ways of coping. You will always be a cuck.
You are retarded.
They probably go and meet white tourists in those countries.
Yeah, that’s disgusting. Honestly only men should tan.
>white men + asian women
The funny thing is Happas look Latino -- so white males are furthering the take over of ambiguous looking mestizos.
Look forward to 2050 US lookin' like Brazil
maybe in 1960's friend, they've mixed to shit since then. theres more likely to see a blu-eyed, light-skinned person in the middle east then in America, don't let Hollywood fool you, most white actors are brits, irish, kiwi, Australian or canadian
Seriously what the fuck. My gf(Japanese) bought into this meme. Now every time I talked to a white bitch she gets mad or depressed. I wanna dump but I don't want to be alone.
This isn't even cope anymore, just do what you must, cuck
White women dont want to marry black guys they just want to get pumped and dumped by them
I can't believe disgusting beaners are getting beautiful white angel wives.
>all the cucks ITT
Cope about what? Most women prefer and marry white men, statistics say this too.
Not true.
Why are they acting like chimpanzees?
Come to USA
>Actually this retarded
Seething lanklet in existential crisis
The future is unironically mestizi/castizo. Mexicans go for white girls because they're basically what white guys are to Asian women, a status symbol. White guys go for mexicans because they're low hanging fruit so to speak. Mexicans have the caste system ingrained in their psyche no matter how much they bitch and moan about muh racism. Behind closed doors they all talk about whose cousin has a fairer completion and how they envy them.
t. Mexican
>t. hasn't been to the US
Don't let Jow Forums memes deceive you, you can find WASPs even in fucking Florida.
White boi cope
ethnic cope, look her side profile she is a jewess and probably 3/10 without make up
Statistics also say you have the most miserable marriages in the world and are the most cucked males in the world.
Latinas are also cuter than most white girls.
Seething yt boi. We're a proud BLACK nation
I disagree but to each their own I guess.