Is Real Madrid popular in your country?

Is Real Madrid popular in your country?

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I thought they got rid of the cross

that guy is indistinguishable from a southern levantine

only in sandnigger shitholes

Sorry to inform you but this is the result of a Germanic + Basque couple

Yes. Barcelona is soy tier

Liverpool is by far the most famous foreign club here. It's pretty cringe when people are fanatic supporters of foreign clubs

Dunno I watched their games when they had GOAT CR7 but now that he has left I don't anymore.

Now we are all Norwich bandwagoners

>watching football
people really do this?
that is almost worse than twitch zoomers who watch others play video games instead of playing it themselves

Zoomers love both Real and Barcelona


I'm a fan of Qveens Park Rangers

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Yes, I actually support RM

opinion on Asensio?


of course


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Yeah, but Barcelona is more

He did amazingly good 2 years ago but his performance decayed. Still he has potential and I hope he recovers from his injury.

No we support Juventus now #HALAGGMUFORZAJUVE