90 million of whites

> 90 million of whites
> 0 nobel awards

Attached: Map_of_Brazil_with_flag.svg.png (1200x1181, 116K)

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Not so many jews

>> 90 million of whites

there's barely even 90 whites there let alone 90 million lmao

Attached: 15074839407485.jpg (626x582, 48K)

years of dictatorship + foreign meddling the usual combo

There are no whites in Latin America

>nobel award

is a fucking meme, even Obama and Santos have a """""""""""""""""""""""""""peace nobel""""""""""""""""""""""""

>noble awards

Attached: 1555267913062.png (406x431, 17K)

Let’s be honest, 80 million of them are actually mutts

>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""peace nobel"""""""""""""""""""""""
only this is a meme, the rest awards are not. retard

million of whites

Attached: 1462106671159.png (277x271, 8K)

Even the literature nobel price is a meme.

Borges didn't get it, Machado de Asis didn't get it , but that faggot bob dilan has one. Is a joke.

>there's barely even 90 whites there let alone 90 million lmao
t. Muhammad

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>what are science prizes
good to know that crack is working well on your brain

haha nice meme but ukrainians are literally niggers with pale skin

They're Brazilian

we hate science just like americans, at least in america you have an elite that likes and finances it, here not even that

>niggers with pale skin
are you retarded?

of curse



Southern Euros are not white. When people think of a Latin American, a brown person comes to mind. Tells you all you need to know

yeah you?

>90 million whites

Worst education in the world

Attached: 1566089283410.jpg (400x400, 37K)

no, I'm a healthy human being

If there's 2 million actual whites in Brazil that's already too much.

We should have got at least 2, but they were stolen from us. Carlos Chagas was blasted by his own envious colleagues and ended up losing the award, and Cesar Lattes should have received the prize with his team, Occhialini and Powell, but only Powell was awarded.

no healthy human being resides in ukraine voluntarily

>Southern Euros are not white.
Southern Euros do have Nobel Prizes though.
So the question is still there.

These numbers tend to be inflated and based on estimates. Wiki puts the number of Croats in Chile and Argentina and 500,000 when there are only 4 million Croats in Croatia. It's heritagefags.

>90 million whites

Attached: 8877666.png (399x339, 209K)

there are more whites in portugal than brazil

>90 million of whites

Culture of kill?

yes the only whites in portugal are the tourists

we had some really smart niggas

Attached: vital_brazil-og.png (1200x630, 217K)

ronaldo is white

ronaldo is a north african bvll

What about him?
Has he only Euro ancestors?

no he's not
be quiet

and? That's not unusual in the slightest. Countries like Lebanon, Italy, Greece and Ireland who went through difficult times all have diaspora population larger than their own.

You dont know shit about horrible education systems lmao be thankful

probably can't afford to leave or lives on gibs from the diaspoos

Attached: diaspoo.png (1146x544, 17K)


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Based FHC made the white population increase when he was in power.

Better than culture of cuck.

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where are those girls from?

Almost all the students of Oswaldo Cruz did things in all fields of medicine that should have been at least considered, but they probably disdained them for being brazillians.

I know oswaldo cruz was boycotted.
Also, literature and peace nobels are memes.
Look up Miguel Nicolellis

Brazilian standards of what consitutes white is extremely, amazingly poor. They genuinely think a speck of white paint on a turd makes the turd not literal shit anymore.

Likely no more than 30 million white people, with the rest being shitskin mongrels.
>Muh Portuguese
>Muh Shitalians
By default, half shitskin already.

>"Your standards of what consitutes white is extremely, amazingly poor", said the 56% man to the 47% man.


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This is accurate.

>inb4 acid attackers reply

is she white?

Attached: gianne_albertoni.jpg (600x897, 100K)

>considers there is anyone white outside Europe.
Mexico today is NOT 1 april

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So western euros, americans, japs are the major sources of female sex tourists?

Funny thing is that all these years I've seen many people hyping Ávila up in the media about him earning a Fields Medal but never did I see anyone talking about what exactly did he find that was so important for him to get one. The furthest I saw was an article saying that his work improved how scientists detect the pattern of diseases spreading through the air or something, and that it's related to Chaos Theory. I think I know why I'm not a scientist, this requires an absurd IQ even to understand.

But besides Avila, I think the most important brazilian scientists were Carlos Lattes, who is attributed with the discovery of a subatomic particle, Carlos Chagas, who described in detail a previously unknown infectious disease, its pathogen, vector (Triatominae), host, clinical manifestations, and epidemiology, the disease is named after him. Vital Brazil, for the antiophidic serum, and this guy
Apparently, his achievement was that he literally created a radio but was never acknowledged.

>>inb4 acid attackers reply

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kek. predictable

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>kek. predictable

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>this angry paki furiously responding to all my posts


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>>this angry paki furiously responding to all my posts

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That is actually very sad. The country is dying

they are italian """white"""

Attached: canadian man walks through british town.webm (854x480, 2.76M)

President and his disciples think science is a leftists thing. Let this sink in.

>canadian man walks throug(...).webm

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>only the cucks are dying out
>it's becoming an extension of Latin America

What are you, a cuck?

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Perhaps you'd like the spics to colonize us too?

How the fuck are blacks so consistent

..........isn't brazil as a country literally surrounded by what are basically spic nations.

You have more than enough Jews if you'd like more I could contact the rabbinate

Latinos are one people, cuck. The minor language difference isn't enough to divide us.

Attached: Che.jpg (2000x2500, 583K)

>thread about Brazil
>becomes a shitflinging between USA and Britain
Then they complain about us and Portugal doing this

That image is cringier than cringe. The sort of thing that edgy 16 year old faux-intellectuals have hanging on their bedroom walls

Yeah. But the population is concentrated in opposing coastlines and we're not an attractive destination, unlike US. What worries me is, what if we do become? If America can't even police effectively your plain borderlands with a single country, what about Brazil, whose land border with 10 countries is mostly jungle? We failed to deal with a few thousand Venezuelans. If the worse happens in Argentina, my state is sure to be flooded

>The sort of thing that edgy 16 year old faux-intellectuals have hanging on their bedroom walls
So basically something you'll find in like 33% of the bedroom walls inhabited by 16~25 year old people in most of Latin America lel.

Cringe leftist cuck

Fuck you, commie

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Imagine thinking Argentinians are going to want to move to Brazil in more than small amounts, kek. Their country is still far from being this much of a shithole.

Ours is a political handicap, not a logistical one. Yours however, you probably have the political will to battle excessive immigration, but do you have the means?

You are not Brazilian, you're just a lost cuck mongrel that should go back to Europe to have your anus colonized by Muslims as is tradition there. You're all dying out anyway.

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those "whites" are Portuguese and Slavs and Germans who assimilated into Latino culture (aka useless).

Spanish speakers see huezil as an endless favela filled with trannies. Not saying is true, but that's the reality

What a handsome chad

fixed it for you

Attached: 2655px-Imperios_Español_y_Portugués_1790.svg.png (2655x3000, 1.81M)

You have no idea of how serious an economic collapse can be. Which do you think it was more developed a few years ago: Venezuela or Roraima?

Well, of course. The mainstream establishment is basically made up by oligarchs and populists with no ideology and the leftists wouldn't defend immigrants that would otherwise turn away their voters. Only the neoleftists defended the Venezuelan invasion and everyone ignored them. The problem is, the Brazilian military and the Federal Police are chronically lacking in their logistics. We can't even prevent a drug dealers from crossing our borders using planes.

Ignore this poor guy. He must be mixed (pardo) now passing through a Latin Americanist phase. He must have an inferiority complex toward whites.


Attached: Latin_languages_in_the_Americas.png (463x599, 60K)

>You have no idea of how serious an economic collapse can be
We literally just went through the worst recession in our history a few years ago m8.

That is not a collapse. Brazil never passed through a collapse like Venezuela's.


>imagine not having a nobel prize

Attached: List of countries by nobel laureates per capita.png (564x914, 110K)

Out of those 90 millions 70 millions are just mestizo abominations with light brown skin.

Attached: inflacao.png (997x723, 53K)

>90 million whites
If white south americans were actually considered white here, wed be 90% white