Bananas may go extinct soon

>Last week, Colombia declared a national state of emergency after confirming that a devastating-to-bananas fungus called Panama Disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4) has been detected on almost 445 acres of farmland in the country. According to Science, this is the first time the fungus' presence has been confirmed in South America—and that could be bad, bad news for bananas as we know them.
>There is no treatment for plants that are infected with TR4, and they also stop producing fruit well before they die completely. Even after TR4 offs the plants themselves, the fungus can continue to live in the soil for up to 30 years, which means that it could be unsafe to plant future bananas on that land too.
>According to National Geographic, there isn't really another back-up banana that could replace the Cavendish right now. Agricultural scientists haven't been able to develop a banana that replicates the familiar flavor of the Cavendish AND that can survive the lengthy transport times from South or Central America AND that has any kind of immunity to TR4.

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Lol bananas are for niggers anyway


A good lesson in why monoculture agriculture is bad.

Riots in brazil soon

And niggers think the world population can grow indefinitly, just farm and gmo lol. We'll all starve once the ecosystem reach breaking points, single cultures of copyrighted crops and animals all packed togheter. Perfect for a massive outbreak of wathever mutant fungi and virus comes along.


lol vegans btfo


I remember watching a video on this, it’s actually sad. Can’t they genetically modify the banana to be resistant to the fungus?


>children in the future will ask you how bananas tasted
>all banana sexual innuendos will forever be replaced with the eggplant

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They will found another way.

No they won't, this exact situation has happened in the past. It's only a matter of time before you will stop finding bananas in your local super market.

wait a second can't they just store a bunch of seeds until they can solve this issue

Cavendish bananas aren't planted with seeds, they replant a portion of an existing plant and clone it that way. That's why these plants are all equally susceptible to this fungus. But yes, you could isolate some healthy plants and bring them back after the rot is gone

I hope so, then I can dab on zoomerniggers by bragging about it

they're not in any danger of going extinct, and besides, bananas are cultivated mutts between different wild varieties we can just make them again

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this has been brewing for decades
mono-culture is a time bomb and bananas are the most extreme example

I-I think I might kill myself, it's impossible to store bananas. WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO?