What are your hobbies?

What are your hobbies?

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Trying out various hobbies to say I have cool hobbies, and then quickly losing interest and going back to video games.


beating down nazis at rallys with my bros

I don't have hobbies.

i record music in my spare room. when i need to do drum parts i go to a bar whose owners i'm tight with and record on their drum set while their closed.

it's a very rewarding hobby. the buy-in price is pretty high, but i started slowly and now five years in i have a pretty substantial equipment collection. i want to start recording small bands but i can't find any that aren't rich and can just pay for actual studio time.

I skateboard, been doing it since I was 6. It's great for taking out your frustrations on the world

shitposting. in seriousness i want to take up oil painting but i have no gift for art

Language learning, programming, vidya and listening to music are the ones I spend the most time on. I recently dropped a bunch of money on a good camera and lenses (currently waiting for it to arrive) to start photography, and since I'm mostly interested in nature photography, I'll be combining it with hiking and traveling. Should be a nice change of pace from my usual hobbies.

Follow Bob Ross tutorial

buying stuff from chink amazon

Gardening, homebrewing/winemaking, video games, language autism.

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I do a similar thing. I have a small home studio. I play bass, guitars, keys but I don't have space for a drumkit, so I just use programmed drums. I used to have a few bands, but now I just record solo.

I also work out, but not for getting more handsome. I used to fight (muay thai and kickboxing), so basically I bought a bag and I keep training by myself but I go to the gym to increase my muscle mass and do strength and plyometrics. My goal is basically to get a stronger punch, I've been doing this autistically for a few years, now.

I also like to read, but I read a lot of technical books (academic books on mathematics and theoretical physics). I also spend a lot of time cooking. Whenever I am bored, I go walk on the beach.

Gardening and homebrewing seem extremely based.

Enroll in a class, to start from the basics. My mom was the same, and now she can paint photorealistic stuff, although she spends most of her time doing gravural (abstract) stuff. Her evolution was surreal.

>I totes just fap and shitpost

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programed drums are gross

Legend racing. I'm just in the beginner class and don't have my own vehicle yet but I race 2 times per month and spend about 10 hours per week at the track.

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I write. Usually fantasy/horror/mythological stuff.
Been published twice on a small scale, won the towns "up and coming" writer award last year.
Maybe one day it will actually be my job.

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Study the occult but don't believe any of it.

Hiking, camping, fishing, paddling.

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I've been to pick mushroom today

getting drunk alone at my desk, crying, and hoping my liver will finally fail

painting, drawing and doing drugs.

Urban exploring, theme parks, cruises, rally etc
I've got mixed hobbies

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>got into home brewing
>really enjoy it
>developed severe alcohol problem where i will drink until the point of losing my mind and turning on friends and family because i never run out of booze
wish i could drink responsibly :(

emacs, drinking, more emacs, the occasional resume etc etc etc...

Depends. I obviously prefer real drums, but I humanize everything, note by note. Velocity and Time.

There are some bands with programmed drums that you would never even believe they are programmed, but it requires serious autism to program them realistically.

painting miniatures

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offroad motorcycling

Nords have good hobbies.


basically me but I'm too lazy to make beer so I make shitty rice wine instead

How expensive? Been to a couple track days and autocrosses, but cannot afford to make a hobby out of it

Based, sometimes i go on meetings and help friends with their shitboxes.

My class 1 license cost me 230 Euro
The club fee costs 750 Euro/month.
We are 9 guys/girls in the club at the moment plus two senior instructors. We have two vehicles available. We do all of our own maintenance etc. Not too bad, lots of beer and pizza in our garage.

drawing,playing guitar and bass,hunting,driving,walking and gardening.

Same. I walk a lot, and look at things. I've lost a lot of unhealthy weight doing that. Feels good.

Nothing beats a good walk man.

ultra realistic dioramas

When I'm not at work I like to work several bullshit side jobs in order to stay alive.

That and Jow Forums.

I got no hobbies

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I play the organ. Usually in my local church. Not for religious reasons, It's just difficult to fit an organ inside your house..

Driving too fast at night on mountain roads


Used to play bossa nova on acoustic guitar, but I dropped it and started learning piano. Ultimately I end up playing video game songs on it as a hobby and I enjoy it.

A fellow /homegrowmen/?