Have you ever been to a real sauna, Jow Forums?

Have you ever been to a real sauna, Jow Forums?

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not to a finish one but you could invite me

No, but to be fair, is it any different from living in a Southern state during the summer?

>100% humidity in 40+ Celsius
>This shit for almost 3 months

>100% humidity in 40+ Celsius
That isn't enough to melt your skin.

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I can't see myself enjoying this without under -30° outside.

no i don't want grills to make fun of my smol benis

You could always go swim in a lake afterwards.

Unironically only gay ones

Well this seems fun.
I'll try this one day.

>go abroad
>somehow find a sauna
>a sign says "don't throw water on the stove"

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just gym ones where we're fully-clothed because American standards of purity and sexuality

What's the fucking point?

% humidity in 40+ Celsius
That's not even half the temperature of a normal sauna here in northern Sweden. 90+ or might as well skip it.
I sauna at least 3 times per week, usually more. Easily the most important room in my house

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what a disgrace

I need music when I'm drunk, I'm too mentally fucked for complete silence

thats the point of the silence

There's no silence for me. Just voices

For me it's tinnitus

No. Public saunas are fucking disgusting and I don't know anyone with a private one

>40+ Celsius

I have that as well. Too many metal concerts and loud cars

how is your sauna any different or more real than my one?

depending on what qualifies, i think yes, on several occasions
it was cool

>100% humidity
> in 40+ Celsius

Yeah, make that around 100 Celsius and then we can talk.

Yes. We have a badstu in our cottage and had it in the house growing up.

>it was cool

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Well, have you?

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African levels of engineering.
You can do better Germany

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Is there any chance that is just your thoughts? lol

>fully clothed
if you wear a towel or any clothing in a proper sauna, it absorbs sweat and it will reek. also your skin won't "breathe" and it's just uncomfortable.
you guys are absolute savages

its actually indio level of engineering

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My tiny apartment has a sauna kek.
I spend a lot of time in there, it gets pretty steamy. 102 C is the maximum though.

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Large wood heated sauna stove with lots of natural sauna stones for even and humid steam output. Birch whisk for added authenticity and aroma. Enjoy the sauna heat for as long as you can, then cool down using preferred method (take a swim, dive into snow, chill outside with a beer, w/e) then repeat until you feel euphoric.

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Been to Saunas a couple of times in Germany. What do you consider a real Sauna?

Yeah, once in the sixth grade final trip. I left after 5 minutes.

Hot stones, steam and over 90 C

What's up with the black shit

Then no, only every 2 hours or so a big hairy man comes in the sauna and pours water with essential oils on the stones and waves around with his towel.

Do you Arabs use pirts slotas in sauna? (these green bundles of branches )
and do you, Pekka?

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Old melted plastic "spoon" that was used to pour water. Yes, alcohol was involved, it's burned into the floor now


Yes, birch branches. We call them "basturuskor"
I make my own

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>every 2 hours or so a big hairy man comes in the sauna

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he was in a gay sauna and didnt even notice it

So we basically have the same traditions.

Found this vid

The end is odd

In my area all Bademeister look somewhat like pic related

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>Go abroad
>Find a sauna
>You're not allowed to be naked

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I'm actually more surprised that you have a guy who comes to throw the water, not the hairy men in a sauna.

Thats pretty neat. We made a full movie about it too. It's really comfy. youtube.com/watch?v=lm3WXCaaCxQ

do they tell you to kill?
asking for a friend

What differentiates a "real" sauna from a "fake" sauna?

I have voices telling me to do everything you can imagine so yes. Loud music, beer and a steamy sauna keeps them quiet in the back of my head though.

>only every 2 hours or so a big hairy man comes in the sauna and pours water

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Lack of temperature, rocks, steam, method of heating e.c.t

I mean some Latvians would say it's not a proper Pirts if you don't all go naked (I don't care, but it's preferable when in a good company)

Does Russian "banya" count?

Yes, yes I have. Usually it was when I'm visiting another country. Most of the time I couldn't handle it, but sometimes I can.

As long as you're naked in there and water is thrown onto hot stones, yes.

>water is thrown onto hot stones
They don't use stones sometimes.
Also temperature is lower and steam is produced even more. I would say Banya is slightly different but still counts

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yes, but we did not use it genuine


It's one of my favorite things to do when I visit. Can't wait to do it in January and jump in the snow.

wtf i want a sauna now