Do they really?

Do they really?

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A country boy can survive

How else are you supposed to build up bullet resistance, dumb argie

Whats illegal in that

that sounds like a fun way to shoot the shit with the boys wtf that sounds awesome... anally fisting someone with consent is legal but shooting isnt? land of the free my ass i wish someone shot m


dont those bulletproof glass companies test by shooting each other? at least for promotional purposes

Doing reckless things are usually illegal, but considering you've neither law nor care for this world I wouldn't expect you to understand.

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Only a retard who has never been shot would say that. And before anyone asks I am extremely American and as such have been shot along with a few of my friends.

wasting tax payer funds

the guy on the right looks a lot like a Cuban kid I used to go to high school with

They dont danger anyone else

Americans... Do you really?

Oh course, shooting at people while drinking isn't a danger to anyone else.
You dumb cunt.


Who cares if americans die
They didnt danger humans

I can smell the hood.

>America doesn't have any cul-

>your cunt doesnt do this

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They're just having fun. Why would they get arrested? What laws were broken?

One American is worth one thousand Poles.

that is wrong though

Imagine believing this.
Fuck off Germany, no one asked you

Nothing wrong with that. Shouldn't have been arrested.

Goyim existing