upsurt edition
bevme na more so prijateli edni i za prv pat cuvam ovie zborovi "ajljak" i "aver"
sto znaci ova?
хaхaхaхaхaхa opизoвкoлюбитeля oбичa ъпcypт
кoлкo oчaквaнo
4ovek larpa6 ili vistina si firomec?
maikati i bashtati
What to jerk off to?
abe zasto tuka ne mogat da kazuvat "L"?
>eUa da te vozam so goUfo
>koj hipermarket e najdobar? - "lidaU"
weird stories from my balkan childhood in 90s that i can only share here because too embarassing
>be 7 yo
>play in neighbourhood in tirane with kids
>kids catch a small cat and throw it around
>usually im not sadist but i play along
>throw the cat around with his tail, cats land on ground and blleds from nose
>wish i could back in time to punch myself in face
>be 8yo
>im a refugee in this country, we are in big house with other refugees, also africans and chinks in the big house
>there is this small niglet girl
>invite her outside, take off her pants and rub my small baby dick on her small puss
>still thinking abotu it sometimes what in the flying fuck did i do or was I only dreaming this?
>not sure
>same year in that big refugee house
>there is that crazy albanian lady who hates me for no reason
>parents tell me constsantly not to be around here
>one day she throws me from the stairs
>i land and apparently was very heavily hurt and brought to hospital
>i dont remember any of this shittt
Non-stop, non-stop индийcки кoнoп.
Non-stop мapихyaнa зa бeлия ми дpoб.
Non-stop, non-stop индийcки кoнoп.
Non-stop мapихyaнa във зaдния ми джoб.
Non-stop, non-stop индийcки кoнoп.
Non-stop мapихyaнa зa бeлия ми дpoб.
Non-stop, non-stop индийcки кoнoп.
Non-stop мapихyaнa във зaдния ми джoб.
>balaka s omreloto pejo za 500 lea ne hareswa upsurt
>y i k e s
тoя c микpoвълнoвия opиз нe e ли тpaнитa
wika mi taka shot karam honda i postwam japs
Recently a pic goes around of two subhumans cutting off a dogs ears and giving it to him to eat. Whilst the act itself is subhuman without a doubt, Russian paid fake profiles spread it as "Gypsies cut off dogs ears, how long will we tolerate them", blaming it on government etc. If you imagine search the pic ofc it's neither gypsies nor is it made in BG.
wasn't that turks
it was on twitter
It's just at the seaside
lmao savage
ei sq shte obrazovam moe lyubimo makedonce, horata ot tsivilizaniqt plovdiv izpozlat ajljak za da opisvat kogato im e mnogo spokoino
horata ot morskite sela kazvat azer vmesto priqtel
ne sam tva az be tupak ama apsurt e bokluk wse pak
Hand holding.
>apsurt e bokluk wse pak
veri crinj ngl
>autistic daydreaming
maika ti shte eba ne znaesh li che pejo prez osemdesete becheli WRC nqkolko puti
Is this the Turkish general?
hey look, a likeable albanian, that's a rarity
no, is
yes, çüçk effendi
Glup si, toj e tatar, ne imitira dobro eve ke mu daeme Makedonski pasos za trud
post noshk qts
no, this is your moms BVLL's general
sya ako mi kajesh neshto drugo za koeto sum postval ta priznavam
dobar makedonski ama zaeba kaj "cuvam"
pravilno bi bilo "za prv pat gi slusam"
>24 wins
>47 wins
ne e lesno, da mu ebam izrazdacot
Know your place 3rd worlder
good morning my best friends from Jow Forums
ave ei maimuna, kako izpolzvash wikipedia, mani q, otidi si mii farovete sam, burzeliv bokluk takuv
You can ONLY be a based /balk/poster if you punch spanish tourists in your country after they refuse to pay for fish dish you prepared for them
i know it, it's between your moms legs
Reminder that Jow Forums is a Reddit-friendly website
FYROM should not be divided into Bulgarian/Greek and have their brainwashed men sent into Albanian working camps.
Prove me wrong.
Should be* ops.
You're right. Albania should have been an independent country spanning from Petrich to Kostur
na momenta ne moga da se setq, sorka
>edno pejo
>whole subaru wrc history
ebise pedal
>ave ei maimuna, kako izpolzvash wikipedia, mani q, otidi si mii farovete sam, burzeliv bokluk takuv
istinata boli znam
47 vs 24 :C
how about this
>Levski's fans beat up Leon Coffee (literally who) while making monkey noises
dobro utro :)
Don't mind me, just reminding you guys that Dobrogea is rightfull Roumanian clay and that Greater Roumania is coming.
translate plox
az copenah oshte kogat wideh razlikata w pobedite
na waze wi e trudno da copnete
You can't change reality :)
uh, i already did, check the greentext
slushaq sega, shte doida v montana, i shte pochna da tursq bejavi HRV-ta purvo pokolenie
ustata ti znae mnogo, o nai-mnogo znae kak da qde kroasani, moreni i bireni fastuci
damn im retarded lul
kako be dobro utro u 1 vecher?
good night
hubavo nyaa ti davame yuta i dneska.
ae stiga si ma imitaral we moi :(
zashto? kef mi e
e tolkova li si nyamash drugi personaji?
I was walking just there when this happened since it was after a derby and they channel the fans through certain parts of the city only in order not to meet the opposing site. This guy fell on the street and it looked like it was an epileptic shock or something. Members of one of the most fascist levski supporter organization called the police and asked them to call for an ambulance. Then they went on. This story is made up by the liberal media and it really disgusts me, also the guy publicly lying about this is a shock to me.
iskah neshto novo, znaeh dostatuchno za tebe da go vurja
anyone remember this
huboo i bez tova sum tvurde murzeliv da postvam sega
brat za brata
za6to samefagvash tolko qko
tova li se sluchva s horata kat karat pejo
eto ti malko proof-che :^) pochna malko kato OBSESSED
dai mi yu na toq i na gorniq post
tova li ti e fetisha
I don't know shit about cars, but... Isn't it better to buy a "cheap" brand car if you want to save money? I've heard parts for German cars are expensive as opposed to non-german for example.
momaga preateli nekoi me larpva nesm samefag obe6tavam bez zna4enie 4e tripa e sa6tiq !!1111!
moga da potwardq 4e tova e nai baziraniq post dneska
evala pi4
ta fuck mate
ok hvana me prinznavam si, cqla vecher samefagvam
postiraite pejo memeta
but then why is goufo the most popular brand here
hora, kude e ungarskoto prasenche poslednite nqkolko dni?
vika che shtql da raboti taq i dr sedmica, i da ne sme go bili zanimavali
lipsva li ti, tranit4e?
lipsva mi da go obijdam
topi mazninki [(v ada) (shtot se e samoubil)]
nedei 4e lo6iqt batko 6e doide do mn7 ishe me bie
obsessed, povecheto puti si v greshka
kwo e tova? nyakuv akronim za kurasani 7days?
s vashite personi vse edno igraq whack-a-mole
natisna edin pedal, drug sa pokaje
sq ne znam dali obsessed e toq s pejoto
twa e taga na si4ki spreqjii ot montana
imahme kanal Mont7 edno wreme i ot tam Mn7
pedal li ma nareche be