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>Do you believe in the super natural?
Yes. There are more than enough strange occurrences out there to convince of it.
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Not really but most of the people strongly believe in it here. There are even people who run witchcraft business
After doing some research into some supernatural topics I have come to the conclusion that we live in a simulation.
Not at all, but I'm still scared of ghosts
Share your research with us
>no, because I have a 3-digit IQ
>we can't explain something
>therefore it's ghosts and ayy lmaos
I doubt it exists but don't completely rule it out because what do I know?
I have been fooled by a youtuber once who pretended hunting the ghosts, it has been revealed he was a crook, it will not happen a second time.
>Do you believe in the super natural?
no but my gf does
No. Everything happens within the bounds of laws of nature and only imagination is able to operate outside of thsoe boundaries.
>The world and its evils make more sense when you accept that literal demons exist and influence people.
I've read probably 30 or so books. There are a lot of things that are absurd in this world, for example there are hundreds of thousands of people who have genuine memories of being abducted by aliens, these memories can be recovered with regression therapy and it seems like they are recalled as real memories. The abduction experiences of course themselves have often straight up magical attributes.
Then there is past life memories which is a whole other rabbit hole you can go down.
the hell is going on here? i mean, i know /x/ was dying but why posting this here?
No, but I enjoy spooky stories from people that are very convinced that they've seen ghosts.
Because /x/ is just divination and schizoposting.
No. Everything that happens is part of nature. Also its strange how nobody have decent videos of supernatural stuff there are phones everywhere
Probably its the same kind of people who saw angels or the virgin Mary a few centuries ago
phones have auto focus
in order to see stuff that basically thin air you have to unfocus
well go make it a better board
or next time do the thread in the proper format
>1. your cunt
>2. tell me about paranoid--i mean paranormal experiences in your cunt
It's really complex and strange. You can read books about it by John Mack, Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs. They have interviewed hundreds of these people independently and for some reason they describe they same kind of procedures and aliens. They also sometimes physically disappear for some time and have the same types of scars on their bodies.
I wish it was all made up but there is too much strangeness happening there that makes it impossible.
I've had my fair share of weird shit happening so I won't dismiss anything
there's only so much you can blame on your brain
What I find suspicious is that this stories started after sci fi movies became popular. Maybe its just a common phobia. I always dream about falling from trees or mountains and I've heard is really common. Maybe its because we come from monkeys kek.
The fact that evidence points to the events being real only means that the subject believes they happened. Not saying that you’re saying otherwise, but I just wanted to point out that the most effective liars are those who can convince themselves that their lies are actually truth.
Yes, I used to be afraid until I realized I could rape the ghosts
how many people have to believe in the same thing in order to make it real?
like, for example, the Holocaust
Do you really believe it didn't happen? I mean I know people who lost parents there why would they lie to me? Maybe the numbers are exaggerated but saying it didn't happen is retarded
Truth is objective an exists outside of mankind.
>why would they lie to me?
why would abducted people lie about their experience?
and here's something you disappointedly didn't bring up: you could had offered physical proofs of the prisoner camps or of the social repression and antisemitism, but no one can bring proof of the subjective experience of seeing ghosts and shit
some things can be reproduced and Science demands repeat
so Science can't reach the supernatural because it can't reproduce the same effects
therefore "super"natural
platonic bollocks
The first sightings happened in the 1940s I belive, I am not sure how popular scifi was back then.
I completely agree with you but you have to consider that therapists, professors even from Harvard have looked at these people. If you look really into the information you will find the absolute absurdity of this phenomenon. Most of these people don't ever come public, they only tell this in private to therapists etc. Most of the time it seems like they are suffering from real PTSD.
>Not at all, but I'm still scared of ghosts
Based same here (and demons)
>I am not sure how popular scifi was back then
extremely popular... in the way of radio plays and short tales published in mags tho
>The first sightings happened in the 1940s I belive, I am not sure how popular scifi was back then.
uhm en.wikipedia.org
weird shit comes up a lot in the past like gods coming out of the sky in chariots and shit but we don't know if it's an ancient meme or an actual event
no, im not retarded.
What are western ghosts like? Are they just skeletons and dracula?
like a translucent or completely invisible person, or just a really pale person i suppose
I seen a UGO on my cycle home from work.
Hadn't seen one in 2 years.
Used to see them fairly regularly.