Why did Ar*bs betray the Turks? The Turks did nothing but help yet they stabbed them in the back.
Why did Ar*bs betray the Turks? The Turks did nothing but help yet they stabbed them in the back
the british promised them things, but as usual the perfidious englishman is a liar.
Turks didn't try to develop mena, ottoman empire deserve all the hate it gets.
>implying ayyrabs don't blow themselves up anytime someone wants to change anything
Not true. Arabs blew up the Turkish built schools, railroads... and any prominent city building.
don't say mean things about my dad or ill bomb your house
>t. urk diaspora
Turks are just stupid. They can't even understand their precious Ottoman Turks whose language was 90% Arabic and Persian, compared to the vulgar turkish of peasants that the Albanian adopted.
>T.Ar*b diaspora
Nope, wrong again. How does it feel that your lords language was mainly Arabic and Persian?
Which Arabs? Iraqis and Levantines were a huge portion of the Ottoman army.