Do Meds really hate tourists that much?

Do Meds really hate tourists that much?

Attached: greece.png (1380x1306, 791K)

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not in Greece, sandniggers yeah no one likes, especially illegal ones.

Attached: 1565653740813.png (1727x935, 257K)

>t. ourist

Attached: bong btfo by spanish police.webm (320x564, 2.37M)

Fucking faggot you are the sandnigger shitskin Kelly cunt

I'm 6'3" and blond, also like the pussy, the polar opposite of a shitskin( sandnigger) faggot.

also mentioning that someone is a sandnigger or manlet when you just used the word shitskin is a pleonasm.
just use shitskin, shitskin

I'm starting to wonder if the Aussie turk and Kelly are tsundere for each other tbqh

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wtf i tsundere? also I have plenty of fans from all over shitskinland, not just the one that fled to Australia. I'm getting pretty popular among sandniggers for some reason, think couple of them have put a jihad on me.

like this subhuman shitskin from Germany did couple years ago hahaha

They drive the housing price to an insane level, the general costs of life increases, also they can ruin any place they go by their sheer numbers.

only coastal faggots hate tourists, these little effeminate boys don't know how to take care of tourists (pic related)
also coastal faggots sell their lands to rich foreigners and then complain about muh price of life eg this cunt here in Provence's highlands we got no problems with tourists

Attached: bang bang.jpg (657x437, 21K)

Because nobody goes there in the first place.
Tu es juste grinçant.

Tu ferais mieux de te taire si tu veux pas te transformer en randonneur disparu mystérieusement

Tu crois vraiment que personne ne va visiter la Meuse parce que les provinciaux seraient des alphas faisant des batailles royales avec les touristes ?

Je te heem ou tu veut quand tu veut garçon.

mais de quelle meuse tu parle
je viens de la haute-provence, je suis pas très loin de la côte, si tu veux je peux te donner un rendez-vous à Vence c'est pas loin de chez moi, ça fait longtemps que je ne me suis plus entraîné au 12 superposé sur cibles réelle

C'est pas une question d'être un alpha, même ma soeur sait manier le saint calibre 12

Tu voulais absolument parler de ta passion pour le tir sportif peu importe le fil ou tu n'es juste pas très malin ?

Y'a une planche pour ça.

bah alors pourquoi tu veux pas venir ?

ya Mediterranean countries are extremely unwelcoming if youre a tourist

dont really blame them

Grinçant sérieusement, on dirait les obèses américains et leurs phallus de substitution.
Quel rapport avaient tes postes avec le fil ?

Tu sais je pourrais aussi t'inviter à venir en Bretagne pour un combat de boxe et de MMA, ou autre connerie.
On dirait le genre de beauf qui essaye de placer son dernière achats dans chaque conversation.

j'ai pas lu, tout ce que je vois c'est que tu viendra pas

typique des pd de la côte

That's just a single fucking autistic retarded Greek, retard

Yes you are a pussy

Kelly... we still have not embraced each other under the moonlight...

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I wouldn't touch a female shitskin with a 10 foot pole, let alone embrace some manlet male one lol.
hahahahahah I mean hahahah oh shit, can you imagine embracing something that looks like a turd with legs? and also is a faggot hahahahah

has a white person ever touched you shitskin?

Tourists should just send us money and then not come here.

Attached: google translate.png (1174x624, 451K)

Without tourism countries like Greece would backside even further. What does Greece have other than its tourist industry really? Olive oil exports?

I love you kelly

Unironically my fav poster

thanks I don't have a specific poster I like, but I do love sandniggers, shitting on sandniggers is the best, so addictive you know.

Get out my country fat fuck here you won't get attended with fake smiles by underpayed wagies.

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