Where can a light-skinned, westernized

Where can a light-skinned, westernized
pajeet find love in Europe?

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0 chance. But the Balkans + Greece, maybe


I'm not a pajeet who only could get asians/pajeetas. I've had success with general american sluts from dif. ethnicities, but I'm attracted to euro-androg. features tbqh. It's a bit weird, but it's what I'm into.

My dark pajeet uncle is married to a russian gal. Very nice woman who was genuinely curious in learning the pajeet culture. He told me russian women are into pajeets more so than most.

Yes, very gud gals

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Dont choose girl based on ethnicity.
Dont see your ethnicity as relevant.

There is no objective determinant of whether a particular girl will fall for you.
There is no objective definition of westernised or light skinned or pajeet.

Talk to girls. Find one you like and who likes you. Something good could happen.

Nah being a pajeet is definitely putting dating in a western cunt on fucking hard mode.

No gettin around it, but based advice.

What about a slanty like myself?
I'm 178cm tall, so I guess I will be a manlet in Europe, but I lift.
I can get a gf here without much problem.
I speak English too.

If you look like him you'll be fine

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but do you have a qt pajeeta sister?

Maybe on tinder and cold approaches which are based on first impressions which basically consist in only race/looks - where unfortunately most guys pajeet or not will lose out.

But if you befriend girls in a social circle, your ethnicity becomes much more of a sidenote.
Dont think in terms of ethnicity. Also dont take what girls say to heart. Actions speak louder.

Ethnicity tells you very little about a person and girls know that:
A given black guy can be a short, nerd caribbean boy with glasses who studies CS or he can be a tall fit afrivan guy who works in mcdonalds.
The commonality of them being black is pretty irrelevant to anything, beside describing some aspects of appearance you expect them to have in common (and maybe culture but even this not guaranteed)

You sound pretty based UK user. Sadly, in the U.S., the thottery just fucks with a pajeet's headspace. Mainstream/underground media in this country places certain ethnicities on a pedastal in terms of attraction, and most women here fall for it. Very rough life, but I'll take your advice to heart.

Pajeet, take advise of the elder pajeet who said:
>'All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts.'

The average, doesn't apply to you. It's an abstract simplification to describe the world.
No girl puts ethnicity on a pedestal, because no girl sees a man without his clothes, body, face and general way of carrying himself.

They do not see a 'black' guy. They see a scrawny guy in a graphic tee who walks slightly awkwardly who doesnt have a great jaw.
They don't see an 'asian' guy. They see a well dressed guy, with an athletic frame, with stylish facial hair.

Ethnicity is an abstraction, it is nonexistent besides as a convention. It determines no outcome because it doesn't actually exist.

Unironically Romania. You could easily bang a gypsy or a lower-tier stacy.

Isn't Gypsy basically Pajeet?

Uh, kinda, but some of them can be hot if you're into that, I guess, and I imagine they're much easier to shag than traditional indian girls.

For a second, I thought average romanians were as tall as serbs. Average height for a romanian male is 5'7, while a serb is 5'11.
Why such is there such a discrepancy?

No idea, but I can confirm we are a nation of manlets. When I first met my Moldovan acquaintances, whom I had expected to be about the same height as us, I was surprised because they were significantly taller. I guess 5'7 is about 170cm in freedom units, and I'm 167cm tall myself.

Bucharest is also cheap as fuck and Romanian is a relatively easy language to master for native English speakers.

Could I move to that city with around 300k USD(1.3 million leu) and be a retired hedonist?


>Romanian is a relatively easy language to master for native English speakers
You've been lied to.
>with around 300k USD(1.3 million leu)
No idea what prices are like in Bucharest, but you could probably buy a decent apartment with some of that money and use the rest to live a comfy life. You just gotta play your cards right.

definitely not the Balkans he's gonna get beaten severely for being colored, and in Greece we're far more civilized, he can try, gonna get harassed by the police a bit thinking he's illegal but better get rejected by white women straight up than get beaten into a pulp in eastern europe.

turkey is the safest choice

That's great to hear. Turkish women I've met in the U.S. are very attractive. I realize they come from a wealthy background, but on average I'd reckon Turkish women are much more attractive than Americans.

But if you wanna blow your money on random shit, don't expect $300K to last a lifetime. Romania isn't Africa.

UK in London, they have gozillion pajeets and pakis anyway

Maybe Britain? They have a very large Indian minority Indians probably have higher social and economic status there than other immigrants. Perhaps you won't be stereotyped there.

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