Yeah I love /int, it's my safespace. There I can larp as a nigger to feel myself better

>yeah I love /int, it's my safespace. There I can larp as a nigger to feel myself better

Attached: intoids.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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top left is so cute, top right is just an awkward teenager, bottom left is an unfortunate case but you see them in every wh*toid school with white skin too... just average Jow Forums user. Bottom right is cute but she larps as 100% wh*te right winger

You are not black.

My father is African(came from Mozambique to study during Soviet times) and my mother is Ukrainian(naturalized Australian). I am half black half Slavic. And I am very happy with that. You see, majority of Slavic males have degenerate genes which make them look sickly; they are either skinny or skinny fat. Me on other hand, I naturally have muscular body. And what's even better, I got mom's blue eyes and dad's black hair. I lost my virginity when I was 14 with a 21 years old woman. I am 191cm tall and I easily deadlift 250 kg. My penis is... well, it's big.

And if my father was Slavic, I would have been yet another subhuman in a country full of subhumans.

I am happy to be racemixed.

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I secretly want to cuddle with unshowered Brittany Venti in her bed, in a sexually ambiguous manner (no penetetration, just smelling her hair, caress, and making out sperging animalistic cute noises like kittens or small crocodiles/gators)

You are not funny.

Finns are niggers tho

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based finchad

>My father is African(came from Mozambique to study during Soviet times) and my mother is Ukrainian(naturalized Australian). I am half black half Slavic. And I am very happy with that. You see, majority of Slavic males have degenerate genes which make them look sickly; they are either skinny or skinny fat. Me on other hand, I naturally have muscular body. And what's even better, I got mom's blue eyes and dad's black hair. I lost my virginity when I was 14 with a 21 years old woman. I am 191cm tall and I easily deadlift 250 kg. My penis is... well, it's big.

>And if my father was Slavic, I would have been yet another subhuman in a country full of subhumans.

>I am happy to be racemixed.

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