I am Korean and we Korean really love game, and we play game at net cafe, which called pc room. There are many good computers, and we can play game there, and eat snacks. From elementary student, we really often go pc room with friends, and play game. We like pubg, star craft, FIFA, LOL.
We most Korean don't play on play station most. And we Korean dont spend much money on our hobby, so usually we play games only installed in pc room.
How about your country? You like various games, which is not so popular?Only few youtuber gamers enjoy various games in Korea.
I am curious about minor games. But I dont have money to buy new games, and my notebook is so bad T.T
Those gaming cafes are an Asian thing, they literally don't exist here.
Most """gamers""" are fags who identify way too much with their hobby and become one of those obnoxious "guyse im such a nerd xD the cake is a lie haha epic am i right gamers?"
And then there is the normies who only like FIFA, GTA and Cowadoody. Oh yeah, now that I mention it, shooters are way more popular here than they are in Asia. I think it's cause Asians are a lot more prone to get motion sickness from playing them.
Most people only like triple A garbage and Fortnite. I'm one of those hipsters who prefer indie games.
Colton Moore
Oh yeah and regarding Germany specifically: our politicians and old people still think video games are the devil and turn our children stupid and violent. They are extremely anal about age restrictions and such, hence the ridiculous censored versions of games we get sometimes because devs are too scared to end up not being able to sell their game in Germany, which would result in a pretty big loss as there's a lot of German customers
Robert Harris
can i be your boyfriend?
Julian Rivera
hey you are right! We asian do that when doing fps game with 1th perspective so we prefer 3th perspective
Evan Jenkins
haha Germany is same with Korea. many politicians think pc game is devil in korea too. It is prohibited that under age 19, playing game over 10pm in net cafe. What indie game is good?can you recommend some free and dont need good pc computer?
haha thanks you
Aaron Lewis
We asians are good at star craft and LoL, And we feel motion sickness when we play 1th perspective shooting game like Apex. So I like pubg and fortnite than Apex.
And in Korea, the game regulation is huge. I cant understand the politicians.
Hunter Hernandez
I really like Hollow Knight and Terraria. Maybe you can get them for cheap.
As for free games I'd definitely try Dota Underlords. Dunno if you heard of Auto Chess but Underlords is Valves official version of that. It's pretty fun and runs ok on toasters (bad PCs)
Ian Davis
Gaming is huge here. We also have DreamHack. The worlds largest LAN. I'm there every single year.
Gayming literally ruined our cunts for the next 25 or 40 years. The zoomer will only have cumbrains and will be even dumber than the previous generation (which is dumb too).