Is Donald Trump the Jewish Messiah?

Is Donald Trump the Jewish Messiah?

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>you now remember all those months during the campaign when Jow Forums insisted he'd flush the kikes out power

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Israeli jews are based though. The west should act more like israel

>Israeli jews
No they’re not, these heebs bomb brown countries then expect Europe to take all of them while they don’t. These fucks are the biggest pushers for third world immigration into Europe, but they hate the idea of darkies entering their own country

This looks so fake, try harder next time.

Europe could just not take them. Act more like israel.

sounds pretty based to me

Well Europe is run by self hating cucks

>Act more like israel
Be a jewish supremacist state? Nah I like our lapsed christianity better.

Looks like they were the cuckservatives all along lol

h-he's merely playing 4-d chess

He is the Messiah of retards
Never being stupid was so socially accepted as with Trump

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>meanwhile, at the other wall paying his jewtax

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We can't actually not take them. The countries not taking them basically breaks international law which is set up by kikes anyway

if you believed this you deserve to be duped

Natsocs always shat on trump, it's the """white""" conservatives who liked trump.

h-he's just trying to infiltrate their ranks, thats it

Holy shit, kek

Why would whites be so susceptible yo Jewish programming? That's an infantile level of naivete. It sounds like affluent whites are just complicit in the same demographic altering economy bending policies

The same poltards who conspire about those also masturbate to Jewish girls because they're obsessed.
American Jews are evil

You don't need to copy just do like Israel in the general sense, remember that the prophecy says goyim will look up to Israel and the Jews.

It's mostly not Jews doing it and when it is its because whites let it happen.
>H-Hpw could this happen fuck Jews!!

Jow Forums is always wrong and should be put on suicide watch. These clowns cant even spot a kike like Trump or Bolsonaro when they parade around with a kippa

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Considering he is the ultimate shabbos goy, I am still surprised his masters let him threaten his reelection for a battle with China.
Just imagine how great Israel would be in 2024 if he is reelected.

Fucking based Jews, the most ""powerful"" man in the world is a mere servant to them

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I always think that Jow Forums is a out of control joke. People can be that retarded.

Greater Israel soon enough

Actual whites, and not jews, are the main force behind it actually, because more low skilled immigrants mean lower wages. Do you think jews have interest in flooding Europe with millions of muslims who despise jews and israel? There are cities in britain and france already with 30% muslim population

But the Europeans already had Romanians and poles weren't they enough?