Solve it

Solve it

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Other urls found in this thread:

kick the jews out we were here before the brits came

nuke the fuck out of jewistan

Kick out the jews and natives and Proclaim the Kingdom of God ruled directly from the vatican

Actually Californians were there before you. “Caliphate” actually means “California”

0 state solution: nuke the shit out of it

Greek Clay

>merge the west bank with jordan, make it a secular republic and put fatah in control

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worst b8 ever
you already have your own land fuck off

Give Jews the country becausw they are actually able to produce shit and be civilized unlike 99% of their neighbours whose main exports are oil, religion, war, and falafel

Tell me a sole problem with the 0 state solution then

By right of conquest it belongs to Britain.
Sooo kick everyone out so we can use it as a party town in the summer.

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Arabs shouldn't kick out Turks in first place

Karma is a very tricky female

>you already have your own land fuck off
Unlike Arabs who don't have any land anywhere?

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give everything to my JEVISH brothers and deport the filthy a*aboids

there is a final solution to this problem.

we export everything you need to live
you can't just hide the problem
by right of conquest it belongs to the abbasian kingdom and thus us since you abandoned it for the jews we're kicking out
my man

what exactly is there to solve? israel is a wealthy functioning democracy with high standards of living. palestine is a backwards terrorist state.
politics aside, israel's existence benefit the human race more than palestine's

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>leave other nations in ruins
>get other to pay for your protection
>wtf why aren't you guys like us

I know that this post is ironic, but when normalfags say stuff like this, I wonder if they know that there are two palestines

palestine was a shithole before the jews came just after being the target of the biggest genocide in history. by your logic, israel should be africa-tier

The fact that Jews are able to have one of the highest GDP per capita in the middle east, a high HDI, and a stable civilization all without the use of oil tells you something.

I have heard that the Palestinians were actually Jews who converted to Islam temporarily to avoid persecution and forgot about it and went native a few generations later.

Thus the solution is unironically this

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Do you have that one pic where it shows the mentality of a goy vs a jew and how the Jew wants to solve problems while the goy blames it on everything other than himself?

>Arab vs Jew threads


I side with.... EVROPA

Let's meet in the middle, taking both sides' viewpoints into considerations.

Arabs to Jordan, Jews to the sea.

it's been solved years ago .also im voting for pic related.

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>Arabs to Jordan, Jews to the sea.
Another quality Icelandic post

israel has literally the best falafel within 3000km

Deport Arabs, declare jewish reich.

I don't understand.

Tactical nuclear strikes hitting every major American and European city. With those two great cancers cut out of humanity, the whole Israel inflammation with quickly go away.

You don't even deserve to be alive, so shut the fuck up, Euroscum.

easy, two state solution(Israel and Jordan)
kick all the Palestinians either into the sea or into Jordan.

Here's my suggestion.
A one state solution is the only realistic end for both Palestine or Israel here, Palestine will never exist as a state without major butthurt both ways

25% of Israeli citizens are not Jewish. Another 4 million non-jews live in the Palestinian territories. Why is Israeli politics dominated by scare mongering and hatred towards these groups? Form a Palestinian minority coalition in the Israeli government, allow Palestinians to vote in Israeli national elections. Require that American support is tied to the secular behavior of the Israel. Things like the nation state basic law should never fly again.

Increase public transit accessibility and spending on public spaces and community building in the west bank and gaza. There NEEDS to be reliable, public options of transit between the two regions, like a light rail line of some kind. There will need to be a lot of security. There will be those who want to attack it. But it still needs to exist.

Two state solution with independent Palestine consisting of Gaza and West Bank with capital in east Jerusalem. Destruction of Israeli settlements in West Bank is necessary.

And the jews were there before you were lmao

Just keep the Polish away from it. They tend to get a little extreme regarding that matter (Jews).

There's a difference between things that happened couple of thousand years ago and couple of generations ago. Arabs were there first. And even if you don't believe it, you gotta know that palestinians are in part descendants of jews who didn't leave the area so yeah, their ancestors were there couple of thousand years ago too.

you’re delusional if you think we ever gonna give the old city away.
just that we and the Arabs kicked you out with force
this one?

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nuke isr*el
kys kike

Move the Arabs to Arablands and make the Jews pay for their new houses?

it's easy to do that with euro and mutt gibs

we beat you ar*bs both in 1948 and in 1967 without foreign support.

>you’re delusional if you think we ever gonna give the old city away.
Well I know that you wont give up clay because you are irrational sandniggers, I'm just saying how the peace could be achieved.


shut up you lost to lobeanon

Expel the Jews

we will never give the most historically and religiously significant part of our clay.
and surely just giving them land will work, just as it did in 2005 when we left Gaza.

This but without the capital thing. Put the Palestine capital in Ramallah, the Israel capital in Tel Aviv and declare Jerusalem a free city

If any Arab state ever develops nuclear weapons, its game over for you

>we will never give the most historically and religiously significant part of our clay.
Yes yes who cares that the actual people living there are majority Palestinians, it's got religious importance and some such irrational sandniggery nonsense.
>and surely just giving them land will work, just as it did in 2005 when we left Gaza.
Expanding the settlements in West Bank while keeping Gaza under inhumane blockade probably had something to do with the fact why Palestinians didn't pacify.

>biggest genocide in history

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Both my parents told me that their grandparents used to go work cross the border and work in Palestine. We're Lebanese and apparently that was popular before. So I'm guessing it wasn't a total shithole. But me personally what happens there is the least of my concern

Mutually assured distraction
Also I would remind you we ended both the Iraqi and Syrian attempt at that.
> Yes yes who cares that the actual people living there are majority Palestinians, it's got religious importance and some such irrational sandniggery nonsense.
as if you would give up on the oldest part of your capital.
I don’t care about the villages around Jerusalem that is in Jerusalem’s border. They just stain the view.
> Expanding the settlements in West Bank while keeping Gaza under inhumane blockade probably had something to do with the fact why Palestinians didn't pacify.
the blockade was placed as a result of what the Palestinians did in Gaza, not the other way around
The settlements are a pathetic excuse as we evacuated settlements in both Sinai and Gaza when we left them, without much of a problem.

send the jews back to europe

Your parents are cowards. People that run away from their country instead of helping to fix it don't deserve shit

Give West Bank to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt, easy.

Kill all jews

My dad has a business here. Whenever he retires he'll do whatever he wants with it now it's my turn to do something with my life. I have a 5 years plan to move to Evropa

Convert the Muslims and Jews to traditional catholic faith. Kingdom of Hierusalemus

>Honestly we should nuke both.

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Secular, one state solution is the nicest practical solution. Send all the Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt is also an option, but would lead to international uproar.

dont the palestinians have really high birth rates? so it will sort itself out.

they don’t really want it, because of the Palestinians.
if anything it was a stalemate
and we also occupied half of Lebanon before

Simply kill everyone on one of the sides. No more problems.

It's not a hard fix

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Your country will dry out without us
If it was up to the palestinians there weren't any water here and for you.

Wait, I thought they were all Arab brothers?

ship out the arabs and the jews, demolish jerusalem, colonize. simple.

yes I am sure those 3 billion a year is the sole reason we are successful.
for reference Poland gets 17.7 billion a year from the EU.

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Merge both nations and convert the people to Christianity, rename that state to Terra Sancta.

which do you suggest?

by the right of the conqueror it belongs to jews for as long as they can held it.

personly, we should make a coalition of the willing and re-establish the crusader kingdoms in the region - antioquia, tripoli and jerusalem (also edesa/assyria if feasable). The rest could be given to nearby states


>and britain for some time
>and france
>and the fucking US

nablis was self sufficient before you fags came

you dried up the dead sea and the jordan river.